Tuesday, September 3, 2024

1972, APOLLO 17: NASA Played You, Americans, for Fools!

52 years ago, the Geniuses at NASA equipped the Apollo with enough fuel & oxygen to travel half a million miles to the Moon & back. Once they got to the moon, NASA’s incredible feat of engineering allowed the two men in space suits with minimal tools to construct the infrastructure required to exit the moon's gravitational field. Unlike 1969, the President didn’t call the moon from a landline this time, so the two men could focus on setting up the launch pad. The take off was obviously all filmed from the 1972 Lunar Rover Buggy, which tracked the blast-off of the dusty bumpy rocky moon surface--no foundations or concrete required. When you think about mankind's greatest accomplishment, it seems absolutely crazy that so much could go wrong but it didn’t.

It’s a shame no man has walked again on the surface even though the mobile phone wasn’t even invented back then, but I guess NASA lost the technology. 

And where exactly did NASA fit a jee in the Moon Lander?

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