Monday, August 5, 2024

From The Solari Report with Catherine Austin Fitts and Cathy Betts on "Plunder Capitalism: What Is It and How Do You Protect Yourself?"

9:00  let's start off with private Equity the term of the day Equity of course is the ownership interest in an entity it can be a partnership it can be a corporation.  These private equity entities often are partnerships, sometimes limited partnerships.  Generally with a corporation, most corporations you would have heard of or what is called public companies and they are registered under the Securities Exchange Act and are required to provide quarterly and annual financial statements well there are exemptions from those registration requirements for "sophisticated investors."  It used to be that the maximum amount that could be raised by an entity and then call it a 12-month period was a relatively modest amount but under regulation D end of the securities Act of 1933 but the SCC has expanded the exemptions to the point where there's no maximum amount as long as all the people who buy interest in it are basically rich and we're not talking about people

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