Thursday, August 1, 2024

I've worked for Amazon I've worked for Fortune 500 companies the only all companies are going to computer apps to register everything the point of sale the point of delivery the point of pickup everything is scanned the trucks are monitored so if you're speeding over a certain miles per hour that'll register in your supervisor will know and then they're then Amazon will know and then Amazon will discipline the supervisor which goes back on to the supervisor will will discipline the driver that's already happening that's been happening for at least at least 8 years

I've worked for FedEx in the same thing everything is a computerized these little handheld devices and drove for a quicksilver you had to use your own phone for GPS and to access their their order scan ticket orders as well as the packages that's been going on for almost 10 years.

As to robots being used for surveillance that's already going on I lived in my car for a few weeks couple years ago and was parking in sort of empty lots and grocery store lots and whatnot and to sleep and then at night you can see the street lights are there number one there are too many of them that's suspicious compared to the old days when you would have you know one couple of hundred feet he didn't need that he didn't need to have the entire Boulevard illuminated at night particularly you know at any time until these lights are they double as surveillance tools that not only pick up audio but they pick up not only do they pick up video they pick up audio and a lot.

On the automated Vehicles like trucks and taxis and Uber cars or whatever that's already been going on I mean Gary North alerted his subscribers to that probably 8 years ago warning everybody saying look start looking for other work it may have been premature but it's it's coming it's it's obviously kind of beginning to fill out in the marketplace and you see more and more of these automated commercial trucks and that means that they have to rebuild the infrastructure and you know they have to have these transponders out in the middle of nowhere in the middle of Wyoming or Arkansas or Louisiana I guess that's easy to easy fix I see them you know installing these 5G Towers everywhere so clearly it's doable and he's right about the slave issue everybody we're becoming everybody's becoming a slave I mean after covid everybody's just their health is shot and and their experiencing so much to spare that they don't really there's no hope of them getting stronger or healthier it's just a a long steady grade into the good night you know like we're living under the worst period of Sylvia Union

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