Friday, August 2, 2024

Billionaire Corporations Have Destroyed The American Cattle Industry because of NAFTA, 1994, a Trade Agreement that completely sold out the American People

Billionaire Corporations Have Destroyed The American Cattle Industry

All because of a Trade Agreement that completely sold out the American People and the entire industry, the law is called NAFTA, 1994. It was signed into law by Bill Clinton “The biggest threat to these billionaire landowners and these billionaire corporations who basically own all of agriculture and most of the cattle is you. Now, you may be wondering what I mean by that. So in the nineties, there was this law that came about called NAFTA. It was signed into law by this guy named Billy Willie Clinton. And, basically, what it did is it put the micro rancher, if you will, out of business. What is that? What I'm calling the micro rancher was the common man and there were thousands and thousands and thousands of them where they owned anywhere from, like, 20 to 2 head of beef. You might not think that sounds like a lot of cattle, but it way outnumbered the cattle that were on feed across many feedlots. This group of ranchers was the biggest threat to corporate takeover, which unfortunately we now have. So what happened? The micro ranchers were put out of business because of NAFTA. What NAFTA allowed, what NAFTA did was import beef to undercut the American ranchers and that beef was grown in foreign countries where their quality standards and their care standards are way less than American. As long as that beef was processed here in America, it was sold and labeled as product of the USA, which is not true. It's a lie. It wasn't grown here in our pastures. It wasn't cared for here by our standard of care. And so a lot of you have been eating beef that was raised in foreign countries. It wasn't raised in America but yet they lied to you and told you that it was. So because American ranchers were undercut, they went out of business. It was no longer profitable for a guy to have 5 acres in his backyard or even an acre of a yard and have 1 beef animal on there. But when we had those people, they controlled the market. They they or at least they kept the market from being manipulated because you didn't have such few entities owning such millions of head of cattle. You had this wild card group, if you will, that was out there and they were not allowing the market to be manipulated. Nowadays, I think you got to have 200 head of cattle just to make a living. Now, NAFTA has been reversed to a certain extent, but we still have foreign owned beef packers here in America. There's only 4 and one of them is completely foreign owned. We need that reversed, and we need country of origin labeling. Now I can't wait for all the beef experts to get in my comments and tell me how that's gonna cause all of American beef to be way expensive and no one's gonna buy it. I call BS”

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