Friday, July 19, 2024

LUONGO: war with Russia, to destroy Russia and carve it up, is a 500-year-old British project

Michael Saylor, a systems thinker.  
Lyn Alden, a systems thinker.

9:00. After the Trump shooting it finally hit me in a flash because it's been something gnawing at the back of my head for like 2 weeks.  They had the NATO Summit where they're going to announce Ukraine joining NATO and all the mutual defense pacts.  And they move over to the new General Secretary.  You had the NATO Summit in Washington.  You had the French elections.  You had the British elections, all timed to be after the beginning of Q3.  Microsoft's Gantt chart, a project file over Global Central, all these things were on the timeline.  They were all supposed to happen, and Trump was supposed to be sentenced on July 11th Victor Orban goes off script and goes around the world meets with Zelensky, Putin, and Xi, goes to NATO, then meets with Trump at Mar-A-Lago on Friday and they take a pot shot at him on Saturday when Trump was supposed to be arraigned and in jail the day before.  Lawfare ended, and now you got to take a potshot at him.  Everybody during this whole process, Emmanuel Macron never really looked like he was sweating over the election.  No one really looked like they were sweating over the UK election.  They were gaslighting us that Nigel Farage and the Reform Party were going to do better than they did. They were pumping him up as opposed to knocking him down. They weren't talking like, "Oh, my God, Farage may win!"  They were like, "Interesting.  Farage may win.  He may beat the Tories."  Because they wanted to push the Tories out of power.  They wanted to destroy the Tories and hand the country over to the Labor.  So Farage gets 4 seats and 14% of the vote, and everybody's like, "Ah . . . ah,"  and now they can complain about all sorts of, now they can use all that as well.  They can do the same thing by freezing out at Marine Le Pen and telling everybody she's going to win and then doing what the French always do, which is to collapse their political immune system always collapses to embrace the cancer as opposed to allow the chemotherapy to come in and fix France.  No one wants Ursala von der Leyen and Kaja Kallas and the rest of them to be running the European Union.  Doesn't matter they're going to be there anyway.  It doesn't matter what you want this is what we're doing everybody who was acting with this kind of calm that everything was on Target and that was unnerving me I'm getting to the answer to your question.  Let me slay the background.  Now this is really unnerving me.  Why the debate, why the debate, why the debate?  Well, then they happens, they clearly turn on Biden overnight for the purpose of getting rid of him because they were always planning to get rid of him. So they froze out RFK from the primary process to ensure that they could have Biden then they were going to get rid of Biden but getting rid of Biden doesn't guarantee them the election because none of Biden's Replacements are any better than him, Kamala Harris, Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer, like it doesn't matter who you're dealing with, they all suck.  And everybody hates them, either within the party or, Hillary Clinton, right, either within the party they are hated, or by general Americans.  So who would ever believe that they could take out Donald Trump?  None of them, in a fair fight or even in a reasonably unfair fight, which is what we now expect.  So, what was the plan?  

13:14. The plan was always when I said back in an inference that I had back in February, I was writing for the newsletter for our monthly newsletter, and in my lead article I was talking about demoralization, that this was a massive demoralization campaign that Davos and that the Brits and Davos and all these horrible European vampires and it was very clear, what would be the most demoralizing thing imaginable?  Get rid of Trump, put him in jail, and leave us with Hillary versus Nikki Haley.  Because I couldn't figure out why Nikki Haley was staying in the race until super Tuesday because clearly she wasn't going to win anything.  She was just trying to collect some delegates and to give herself some street creds because she was picked certainly by the British, by the old British Neoconservative wing of the GOP, and the European foreign policy set because war with Russia to destroy Russia and carve it up is a 500-year-old British project. But it's not like the French don't want this.  It's not like the Germans don't want this.  It's not like the Portuguese, the Spanish, and the Old Dutch money like they don't all want it too.  That's the one thing they all agree on.  What they don't agree on is who gets to run Europe after they've destroyed Russia. That's a different topic.  That's why it always looks like one big club, and we are not in it.  But it really isn't; it's multiple clubs.  They all have different agendas but the center of their Venn Diagram is to destroy Russia. That's been their project for 500 years, nothing new.  And to keep Germany and Russia from ever coming together.  

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