Thursday, July 25, 2024

Show notes for Tom's interview with Scott Horton, "Ep. 2521 Iran in the Crosshairs Again?"

02:00, WOODS. I was watching the RNC and Iran is in the cross hairs again.  I thought what?  You'll never guess Scott they're just on the verge of getting a nuclear weapon it's the same thing.  I've been told that JD Vance is a breath of fresh air on foreign policy but then I'm told he said you know if you're going to punch I run you got it you got to punch hard 24 hours a day with propaganda they would not say you know what we probably got to go over there and bomb Iran this is yes so he can send the weapons to Taiwan that's America First for you.  Is there anything in the news over the past, however many months that would justify this abrupt return to John McCain anti-Iran hysteria, where where do you think it's coming from?

03:09, HORTON Well, no true things, but yes things.  The most recent one is supposedly Iranians wanted to kill President Trump.  And it was just a coincidence that this kid in Pennsylvania tried to kill him but that came out last week, people just believed it.  I don't know how it works.  You know it's like you show them a silver coin and they're just hypnotized.  "Oh my God, did you hear?  TV says that there's a report that Iran was going to try to kill Trump," and then people just accept that.  But if you look at all, they go well it's based on one single human source, okay?  Now I got a couple things to say about that.  First of all, that's completely stupid.  There is no way in the world that the Ayatollah put out a hit on Donald Trump because that's how he wants to start a war that he's guaranteed to lose with the United States of America that could end up with Tehran getting nuked off the face of the earth by murdering a presidential candidate.  Only if you believe in some ridiculous cartoon version of the Ayatollah Khomeini, that is not the actual man himself.  You can say all kinds of things, but he's clearly cautious on foreign policy, especially on how he deals with the United States of America.  America.  So the idea that's something like that people ought to be absolutely just Kevlar coated titanium bulletproof on this.  That's obviously a bunch of crap.  And their single source?  Probably comes from the MEK mujahideen, a cult communist, or terrorist cults or the Israelis, but it's definitely not true.  But my second thing to say about that is that as far as the Secret Service goes, I really don't care how not credible a rumor is.  If there's any rumor of someone going trying to kill our president, or our major party presidential candidate, they should have had absolutely had security up to the eyeballs for that.  And I don't care how non-credible the rumor is.  From the Secret Service point of view?  Credible enough.  Should be.  Leave it to the others to decide what the foreign policy response is going to be.  But as far as protecting the president, absolutely, that should have put them to Beyond Red Alert.  I don't care.  You know, let them go to infrared alert to protect somebody running for president of the United States from murderers . . . Based on the flimsiest of pretexts.  But I'm just telling you and your audience, don't believe it for a minute.  It's just crazy to think so.  

The other thing is that they have accumulated a larger quantity of 60% enriched uranium than they had before, which is just a diplomatic hardball.  In all the years of talking about this Tom I've never told you that Iran will never ever, definitely ever, get a bomb.  Because that's not the argument.  The argument is we should not force them to try to get one when so far they have refrained from trying to.  We know that they are not making nuclear weapons.  They do not have a secret parallel nuclear weapons program, and their nuclear electricity program that they do have is completely above board and safeguarded by the IAE.  Now Trump under the influence of Benjamin Netanyahu pulled out of the Obama nuclear deal of 2015, which had expanded inspections and restricted their program to a great degree.  And when Trump broke the deal, the Iranians stopped abiding by it although they did not officially withdraw from the deal it signed with the entire UN Security Council that they made the agreement with.  And so they have ceased abiding by its restrictions, but it actually says in the deal that they can do that.  That if the Americans break the deal, or anybody else breaks the deal, that they can stay within the deal but stop abiding by it's actual restrictions.  So they have gone ahead and begun to stockpile much more 60% enriched uranium 235, but you could take that as a subtle threat that I got bullets in one pocket and a revolver in the other don't make me go ahead and get to the point where I'm making bombs out of this uranium now that's it's a latent nuclear deterrent is what they've got

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