Friday, March 8, 2024

FLORIDA: No children? No spouse? Oh, the Sunshine State says that they can kill you!

I'm here today to discuss a law whose very existence is barbaric and inexcusable. The Florida Medical Rights Association suggests that under the Wrongful Death Act if a deceased is unmarried and has no minor children, healthcare providers may commit medical negligence causing death without consequence.

The US Government HATES You. “Health care providers may commit medical negligence causing death without consequence” — “I'm here today to discuss a law whose very existence is barbaric and inexcusable. The Florida Medical Rights Association suggests that under the Wrongful Death Act, if a deceased is unmarried and has no minor children, healthcare providers may commit medical negligence causing death without consequence. Let me repeat that. Healthcare providers may commit medical negligence without consequence. And I'd like to ask each of you, how is this tolerable? I'd like to ask each of you, how is it legal? This law says, if you have a child and that child is, say, 26 and has no children, no spouse, just doing life, going to school, seeing the world, dating, such a thing should happen to them, you can do nothing. There's no justice. There's no peace.” “Question the integrity of the doctors, the hospitals, the insurance companies, and the lobbyists as you are essentially giving them a license to kill”  

I can’t transcribe this all due to X’s text limits but this is an INSANE listen that all Americans need to see. 

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