Saturday, March 23, 2024

5:00  Krainer, the oligarchs who are lionized in the West who are transforming Russia from the rotten communist system to the wonderful capitalist system were actually what 100 years ago in the United States called the Robber Barons, and Mikhail Korokofsky was probably a murderer.  He probably ordered people killed.  Practically a forgone conclusion, but he was actually busted for tax evasion, which was good enough to put him away for 9 years.  Nothing really changed.  Everybody knew Putin was going to win the elections because he's extraordinarily popular.  He has been extraordinarily successful as the leader of Russia, both in terms of the living conditions for ordinary Russians, improving the Russian economy, diversifying it, and returning Russia to the system of law and order, which it wasn't when he came to power in 2,000.  In the end, defending Russia against terrorism.  We have to remember that Russia fought 2 wars in Chechnya, both orchestrated by the CIA through Chechnyan and Daghistani terrorists, many of whom were recruited in Afghanistan by Osama bin Laden.  Then he also successfully intervened in Syria which is strategically of great importance to Russia as well.  And now his military is prevailing in Ukraine.  So, very little . . . for anybody who pays attention to the truth of the matter rather than the mainstream news in the western media

The court system in the U.S. is what they're trying to destroy globally.  

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