Thursday, December 1, 2022

German Nurse, Antje T., a 39-Year-Old Nurse Caring for Elderly Patients, Walks Free. She Gave Elderly Patients a Saline Solution Rather than the Actual Vaccine

This was interesting.   

Some might call this heroic action.  What do you think?  But she violated her calling.  No she didn't.  She lived up to her Hippocratic Oath to do no harm.  Good for you, dear. 

Her name is Antje T., a 39-year-old nurse caring for elderly patients.  

Red Cross nurse Antje T, 39, jabbed thousands of elderly patients at a vaccine center in Germany with what she told them was the BioNTech Pfizer vaccine but was just a saltwater solution. 

What's hysterical is the charge that the courts levelled at her: she was charged with "intentional assault" for giving her patients saline instead of the toxic spike protein?  So the argument is that the vaccines were "safe and effective," but salt is deadly?

She was found guilty of six counts of intentional assault by Oldenburg District Court, Lower Saxony state, on November 30. 

The Mail continues the propaganda unabated, calling the COVID virus "deadly."  

Antje T jabbed up to 8,600 patients who were mainly hospital employees, educators and doctors above the age of 70 between March 5 and April 2021, leaving them with no protection against the deadly virus. 

Clearly, the Daily Mail has lost its way, like so many other media journals who'd been bought off by Gates' money.  It is no longer a legitimate news journal. 

How would the Daily Mail reconcile the fact that more people have died from the vaccine than from COVID-19 itself?  Maybe it's a combination of factors--the vaccine, lockdowns, destroying the economy.  We had a family member die from not being able to resume his daily productive habits in the construction industry.  The economy and the labor market is competitive.  You take people out of it for whatever reason, they get lost.    

Maybe her real crime was expressing doubt about the vaccines. 

The 39-year-old had additionally posted several social media posts where she openly emphasized her skeptical views regarding COVID-19 vaccines.

The absence of any limiting principals, to quote Jim Ostrowski, in these progressive governments means that they do mean and stupid things to correct a crime.  They could benefit from the application of Biblical restitution instead of pagan punishment. 

In addition, Antje T's license to work as a nurse has been revoked, media reported.

Following the incident, state authorities urged the fraud victims to register for revaccination and emphasised that it is completely safe.

Antje T in turn was initially charged with 15 counts of intentional assault at the beginning of the trial in November 2022, but nine of them were dropped due to no evidence. 

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