Thursday, December 1, 2022

Bill Gates & Globalists Wanted to Vaccinate 7 Billion People Worldwide. If It Weren't for the Russians, They May Might Have Achieved Their Objective.

The globalists fully planned on holding all the cards and having full control over this system and the fact that the Russians played along and launched their vaccine first completely collapsed this agenda. 

Tom Luongo and Alex Krainer provide terrific insights on global players, their advantages, disadvantages, and how their respective histories play a role in how they're position themselves against their people and challengers, their competing strategies, etc.  

2:55  Alex says he doesn't know what going on with China--their lockdowns, zero COVID policies, quarantine camps, etc.--he says because he does know that the west is flush with disinformation and misinformation about China.  Says that a lot of the information is coming through the Epoch Times.  Journalists are quoting Epoch Times at face value.  Epoch times is controlled by Falun Gang, which is extremely anti-Chinese Communist Party, or CCP.  Says he can't trust them.  He's been trying to follow actual, genuine Chinese sources, and several westerners who live in China, and what I'm gathering from then is that things are not at all the way that things are being presented in the western media.  What's going on with the zero COVID policy, not sure, but the policy is stupid or it's about something else.  He was surprised to see Russia fall lockstep in line with the World Health Organization, and Bill Gates, and everybody, and take this COVID thing at face value, seriously--do the lockdowns, the masks, the vaccines, everything as the WHO dictated.  You already had the president of Belarus, Lukashenko, who said, "This is all bullshit.  We're not doing this."  At intelligence services, Russia and Belarus are quite tight.  So what was the Russian game?  It became clear the day they launched their Sputnik V vaccine, the first one to launch in the whole world.  The Russians were the first, and they made it immediately available to the whole world.  They gave other countries permission to produce it if 

5:55  The vaccines themselves are secondary.  More importantly, the vaccine was supposed to be the stepping stone toward the COVID passports, which were supposed to be universal.  Look at what Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates have said.  They fully planned on having monopolies on the vaccines.  So western pharmaceutical companies were going to have a monopoly, and they were going to vaccinate 7 billion people.  Remember Bill Gates saying, "Nothing is going to return to normal until 7 billion people get vaccinated."  That would have meant 7 billion vaccine certificates linked to Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, etc.  Once you have the vaccine certificates in place, there's a whole other administration and bureaucracy, IT administration of these rules.  Monopolies over the vaccines would also give them administration over the system.  

Now, if countries adopted Sputnik V, the Russian vaccine, that completely throws a spanner into the globalists' pandemic agenda because now they either have to include Russians in the administration of this system, or they have to give up control over the countries that opt for Sputnik V.  Now, you no longer have monopoly.  What the hell do you do now?  Had the Russians not played along and taken the whole thing seriously, . . . had they said, "No, no, no, we're not buying this.  This is a hoax," then their Sputnik V vaccine wouldn't have been credible.  "Wait, you have a vaccine, but you said the whole thing was a hoax?"  So the Russians had to play along, be part of the system in order to throw a spanner [British for wrench] into it, because it's not just whether you or I couldn't get onto a plane or go into a pub or into a theater, it's much bigger than that because that system you could use to destabilize governments, to trigger social uprisings, you could use it in all kinds of nefarious ways once you have power to control whether in some countries people may travel. people may leave their homes, people may go to work, children may go to school, and so forth.  The globalists fully planned on holding all the cards and having full control over this system and the fact that the Russians played along and launched their vaccine first completely collapsed this agenda.  That's how I work out the Russian agenda.  I don't know how to work out the Chinese agenda.  It's way out there.  

10:03  Krainer thinks that the zero COVID policy in China may be a ruse to shake out foreigners out of China.  This is such heavy-handed harassment that I know people who've said, like, "Okay, enough.  We're packing up.  We're leaving China.  We're not going to live here." It's not zero COVID, because zero COVID is an impossible objective.  

11:00  When Sputnik V was announced, Tom called it the biggest geopolitical tool.  

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