Saturday, September 17, 2022

HARMFUL EFFECTS OF MASKS: Relatives of an inpatient who died directly as a result of miscommunication between two masked health professionals?

In their campaign to drop the mask mandates across the British Isles, it was interesting to learn of pending lawsuits from families whose members died as a direct result of the interferences of masks--interferences in communication, and other disruptions.

At Smile Free, we routinely hear anecdotal reports of how (often vulnerable) people suffer as a direct consequence of the expectation to wear a mask in healthcare setting. What defence would NHS Scotland offer when faced with complaints – and threats of litigation – from:

1. The family of an elderly lady who died shortly after fracturing her femur in a fall after being pressured to wear a mask in a hospital outpatient department?
2. A hard-of-hearing man who accidentally overdosed on prescribed medication, a mask having rendered his doctor’s instructions inaudible?
3. Relatives of an inpatient who died directly as a result of miscommunication between two masked health professionals?
4. The father of a young woman, a victim of historical sexual and physical abuse, who was re-traumatised by the obligation to wear a mask for an outpatient appointment resulting in her subsequently taking her own life?
5. A long-standing patient with respiratory difficulties who contracts pneumonia as a consequence of repeated masking when attending for appointments?
6. A lady whose historical problem of recurrent panic attacks is re-activated by the somatic sensations of a mask over her mouth, leading to a prolonged admission to psychiatric hospital?
7. A coroner’s report of the death of a young child from a non-Covid illness after the parents were too scared to attend hospital (partly as a result of the fear perpetuation associated with widespread masking)?

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