Thursday, September 22, 2022

MATTIAS DESMET: The reason why they buy into the mass formation is because it allows them to control their anxiety

0:00. If you understand the mechanism of mass formation, the reason why people buy into the narrative is not because it is true or correct.  The reason why they buy into the mass formation is because it allows them to control their anxiety, to take out their frustration and aggression on someone and because it creates this new social ____ , so unconsciously, people don't care whether it's true or not.  They just sing the song of the mass formation because it connects them to each other and because it gives them the experience of meaning, because it gives them advantages at the level of anxiety, frustration, and aggression.  That's the reason why they buy into the narrative.  The more that people who [need] lead them tell them like, "Look, the narrative is wrong, it's a lie, they've been lying and manipulating you, the more they say, "Yes, we know, that's why . . . exactly why we don't care.  We want to belong to a collective.  We want to take our frustration and aggression out." So, if you know this psychological mechanism, you're not surprised at all.  

1:00. When these COVIDiots, the most powerful ones, when one of their side actually says something like "Well, actually, it wasn't that bad in mortality," or allows any of their guard down, they kind of attack him or her.  They just don't want it to end at any cost.  And I mentioned to you, the ritual stuff I love, I mentioned that I had a group of very educated friends from 25 years.  And in the interview, I mentioned how they were with me and they knew I was right.  But they didn't fall into the mass formation.  They're pretty smart.  They knew all the lockdowns were nonsense. They went along with it because they're in corporate roles and they could not be seen questioning it.  But then they left when they didn't take the vaccine, so they refused to partake in the ultimate ritual.  I've since actually met them, there was an event, once you don't mention the war, things were okay.  But there was one individual who had the personal fear of health, a specific health type condition.  Now, it's published and there are multiple papers showing that condition does not elevate your risk.  But, because of that condition, he became obsessed with the risk to him personally and he was still very angry.  

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