Saturday, September 10, 2022

"Eating right is the fascist hallmark"

You cannot make this up. Well, you could, but you'd probably find yourself cracking up hysterically over the absurdity.

No doubt.  If you go back to the Bantam Books U.S. Supreme Court case, that case established where any government agency that is using any coercive tool to basically censor speech at any level is a 1st Amendment violation.  Now the problem is the federal courts have been reluctant to extend that doctrine to the Big Tech context.  One of the main cases that's going to be deciding this issue is the 9th Circuit case involving Robert Kennedy and his suit against Facebook on the grounds they were acting as a government agent.  And his reason for believing that was based on just a little bit of information that these two attorney generals unearthed by filing a lawsuit challenging what's taking place.  What this discovery exposes, and there's more discovery to come, the Judge has ordered Fauci to produce all of his communications and all of his staffs' and teams' communication in three weeks at the end of September, and so that will probably provide even more revelatory information.  It was clearly so rattling to Big Tech that Zuckerberg went on Joe Rogan and said, "Oh, by the way, the FBI is the one who really told me to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop story."  He knew this was going to be coming out in some capacity anyway.  But this is what we've long suspected.  It's just that once the Biden Administration took over, it became systematic and institutionalized.  And it's across all agencies, not just Homeland Security, or HHS, they found evidence of it with the FBI, they found evidence of it with other government agencies

Basically, government agencies that have extraordinary power  over Big Tech with those high-ranking officials, not low-level people, doing what the Disinformation Governance Board was going to officially and formally coordinate, had already formally been occurring for the entire Biden Administration.  And it should be a 1st Amendment violation.  The question is whether the federal courts will step up to it and recognize it as such under existing precedent.

I'm sure everyone that's watching this saw at least some of the clips of Zuckerberg on Facebook and he never flat out said, "Hey, they contacted us and they said we're going to break you up or we're going to use antitrust legislation or we're going to send regulators??

Exactly they've been playing this game where they they'll say hey I really hope you can help us out here and then maybe next week they say way that has the White House by the way did this week maybe we need some big Tech reform and we need to take away your immunity or an escalate antitrust actions so the message is clear big Tech knows what's happening and the key is for courts to acknowledge and admit that this is the implicit reality but they're playing a game I'm like you guys at Prager you know a little something about being suppressed and there have been lawsuits against Google and YouTube and all of that stuff I mean are we basically at the point where for any of us that do something like this for a living we just kind of have to just put our hands up and be like hey we're on these platforms and just until we're not, and that's it

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