Sunday, December 19, 2021

WHAT HAS BEEN ACCOMPLISHED SINCE? the perfect confirmation bias that lines up with inaction, a defenseless, and degraded life.

People saw this and thought nothing.  Fake news perhaps.  Who knows?  Could be a crisis actor.  Could be a brainwashed nurse, an even more pathetic excuse for getting worked up over nothing.  Finding an excuse that would line up with their inaction, apathy, and stupidity is what too many of us have allowed ourselves to become.  People have found the perfect confirmation bias that lines up with inaction, a defenseless, and degraded life.  "Fake news" lines up with a mission statement that says, "Who am I to chase down the details of an event or on someone else's life or on the employee of a hospital not in my town?  No one's going to listen to me.  I'm no Erin Brockovich not going to listen to me."  

But this wasn't nothing.  This was streamed live before our very eyes.  Even more ominous is the fact that we haven't heard from this young lady since, and this was back in January 2021, almost one full year.  

Truth be told, no one knew of the injuries that the CDC and FDA have rebranded as "Adverse Events" in their VAERS Reporting system.  And just as people have been divested of their good and common sense when it comes to personal survival, meaning in today's COVID era has become divested from its words.  And people are paying a severe price for this:  they're paying with their health and their lives.  

I hope and pray the young woman has recovered and is doing fine.  But why hasn't the hospital come out and given a statement in her behalf or on their behalf? 

2020 was a rough year fighting all of the members of the masking cult.  

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