Monday, December 20, 2021


And Proanthocyanidins.  

The isolated proteins are screened against procyanidin-a flavonoid from plants using molecular docking. Further, molecular dynamics simulation of critical proteins such as ACE2, Mpro and spike proteins are performed to elucidate the inhibition mechanism. The strong network of hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions along with van der Waals interactions inhibit receptors, which are essential to the entry and replication of the SARS-CoV-2. The binding energy which largely arises from van der Waals interactions is calculated (ACE2=-50.21 ± 6.3, Mpro=-89.50 ± 6.32 and spike=-23.06 ± 4.39) through molecular mechanics Poisson-Boltzmann surface area also confirm the affinity of procyanidin towards the critical receptors. 

Food sources of proanthocyanidins are Dark chocolate, grapes, and green tea.  

The reason I say to double up now, or if you haven't started then start now, is because it takes time for your liver to metabolize nutrients and then more time fir them to affect your genetics.  Israeli physician, Dr. Michael Cohen, covered this recently.  He said,

Even people who've received high doses after they get the virus--they've done studies with 50,000, 200,000 units of vitamin D given as a shot at the time of admission to the hospital, it probably does have some immunomodulatory effect but it takes time to kick in.  It takes a few days, by which stage the person could be a lot farther down the illness with COVID.  They could be onto a much later stage of COVID whereby they're already ventilated.  And the whole idea of this is to prevent that.  
Yes, we know it has to be metabolized by the liver and it has to be metabolized by the kidneys.  I can remember patients with renal failure, for example, who couldn't metabolize their vitamin D.
After metabolism, you've got to make sure it has its effects on the genetics of the body, on the immune system, and that presumably takes longer.  

High doses of vitamin D.  

He neglects to mention it but for D to be absorbable, you must take magnesium.  That means you must take magnesium with vitamin D.

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