Thursday, November 4, 2021

Sen. Johnson Expert Panel on Federal Vaccine Mandates. A Whitewash?

There is a 30-minute delay in the recording. Presentation begins at 30:23. Be sure to hear airline pilot, Cody Flint's heartbreaking testimony.

Johnson's opening remarks about health agencies doing their job is almost an apology for what citizens have observed as calculated mass murder.  

The gal that follows him says that this is not political.  What is she running cover for the military-industrial-medical complex who always, always gets a pass for their mass murder and mass injuries because their propaganda says that they benignly serve the public health and children's well-being?  It's just what Jon Rappoport said

In 1988, when I was writing my first book, AIDS INC., I stated that medical covert ops are the most successful methods for pacifying, debilitating, and controlling populations, through toxification, because these ops fly the flag of political neutrality.

They appear to favor no king, dictator, president, government administration or partisan position.

Their propaganda is all about healing and helping.

In fact, the medical cartel is, in the long run, the most effective branch of political repression, from one end of the planet to the other.  

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