Friday, November 19, 2021

Lupus was parasites in the spleen.

Some Anti-parasitic don't cover every parasite. I.E- I believe IVM doesn't cover tapeworms. They just discovered malaria infection relapses are due to parasites in the spleen. A natural path Dr even said Lupus was parasites in the spleen.  

Companies do exist where you can test for parasites remotely, followed up with prescriptions that use herbs.  I like it. 

Also, baking soda in the morning on an empty stomach is excellent for the spleen.  Bill Sardi explains

An astonishingly simple way to quell autoimmune reactions throughout the body is to use BAKING SODA (sodium bicarbonate).  A half-teaspoon of baking soda (not baking powder) with a half-glass of water taken on an empty stomach immediately thrusts the digestive tract into an alkaline state.  Normally, the digestive tract is very acidic so we can digest foods and break down nutrients so they can be absorbed.

The alkaline baking soda forces the digestive tract to rebalance towards acidity.  In turn, this is a trigger for nerve cells in the spleen to send an anti-inflammatory signal throughout the body.  The spleen is a small organ that stores, recycles and removes old blood cells in the body.  When you exercise and get a stitch or cramp in your side that is your spleen squeezing down to supply more blood cells to your circulatory system.

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