Saturday, September 12, 2020


Glutathione tends to be adequate in every cell in our bodies.  It's when toxic environments develop either from disease or injury that the cells don't produce enough glutathione.  So what is glutathione and why is it beneficial?  Dr.Thomas Levy explains the importance of glutathione for the brain.  

Brain cells produce more potentially damaging oxidation products per gram than any other tissue in the body. It would be difficult to overstate how important GSH is in protecting and supporting normal brain health. Some types of brain injury (stroke, traumatic injuries, heavy metal toxicity), brain disease (Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, MS), and brain disorders (schizophrenia, depression, sleep disorders) may be accompanied by oxidative stress and greatly diminished GSH levels. Studies show that elevating GSH levels in the brain may help prevent the development of some of these disorders. 

So for brain disorders, it looks like glutathione is a must-have.  As if that were enough, right?  There is a synergistic effect that glutathione has with vitamin C.  He argues that glutathione offers "systemic protection against oxidative and free radical damage" inside the cell, whereas vitamin C "performs the same function in an extracellular (outside the cell) capacity."  This is a good premise from which to tailor an antioxidant protocol for anyone with underlying conditions or even for those who are healthy, relative or otherwise.

On an intracellular (within the cell) level, GSH is involved in complex molecular mechanisms that offer systemic protection against oxidative and free radical damage. Vitamin C performs the same functions in an extracellular (outside the cell) capacity. Biologically, there is a fundamental synergy between vitamin C and GSH as they help recharge and enhance each other. In fact, one of the most important functions of vitamin C is to help maintain normal GSH levels inside the cell. Together they make a strong team helping to support the health for all body cells, tissues and organs. 

Of additional interest, at least for me, was the fact that "cell death is likely when GSH levels inside cells drop too low."

Glutathione is so important to the health of every cell in the body that cell death is likely when GSH levels inside cells drop too low. Healthy, unchallenged cells can produce a sufficient amount of GSH for a host of protective and metabolic functions. Even without the extra toxic demands exerted by 21st century living, the requirement for GSH production is very high. 

So this was of concern.  I think that too often most of us take our health for granted until we find ourselves with a lack of energy or find ourselves looking a bit haggard.  Elsewhere, Dr. Levy has referred to vitamin C as the great electron donator, meaning that it is the great defender against oxidized tissue and molecules within the blood.  As to glutathione, he calls it "The Master Defender."  If vitamin C and glutathione are both great, why not just take one over the other?  Because glutathione is the master defender of the inside of the cell, whereas vitamin C is the great defender outside of the cell.  Taking the two together means you're getting excellent anti-oxidant protection.  Dr. Levy explains that "GSH helps recharge antioxidants with a steady flow of electrons to help maintain the cell’s antioxidant pool.

An antioxidant is a substance that inhibits or prevents oxidative damage by supplying electrons back to a substance that was oxidized (repair) or by supplying electrons directly to the oxidant substance before it has the opportunity to become oxidised (prevention). An antioxidant helps “prevent” oxidation from free radicals by neutralizing them with an infusion of electrons. GSH helps recharge antioxidants with a steady flow of electrons to help maintain the cell’s antioxidant pool. GSH helps regenerate the antioxidant potential of superoxide dismutase (SOD), alpha lipoic acid and vitamins C and E, protecting the cell from a chain reaction that could cause damage to the cell.

Dr. Levy has written a book on glutathione, called GSH: Master Defender Against Disease, Toxins, and Aging.  The Amazon blurb says this, 

Thousands of clinical studies published in the last few years provide convincing proof that depleted cellular and blood levels of glutathione (GSH) precede disease and death; high levels improve health and extend life! Research conclusively shows that boosting GSH levels can defend the body against free radicals, toxins, poisons, ionizing radiation, microorganisms (including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites), emotional stress, physical stress, and premature aging. Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD, cites nearly 300 scientific references as he explains in lay terms- the mysteries of GSH,- how disease and aging are intrinsically linked to GSH levels, and how to boost GSH levels for optimum protection and life span. Application of the information contained in this book will change your life.

I like the effects of this antioxidant.

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