Friday, August 9, 2019


Yesterday, Drudge linked an article published in Britain's Daily Telegraph titled "Major Surgery Doubles Risk of Substantial Brain Decline, Study Says."  So what did the article say?  
Reading health articles, one must try to be objective.  NOT.  Being objective means to leave your own experiences out of the equation or conclusion.  Take this statement, for instance, 
Doctors and scientists have long feared that general [anesthetic], mini-strokes or inflammation may damage the brain during surgery, but there has been evidence to show a long-term impact.  
What does that tell you when you read words like "Doctors and scientists have long feared"?  It tells me that doctors and scientists have known for a long time that surgeries destroy cognitive function.  Whereas the patient is only concerned about restoration, doctors and surgeons are only concerned about the money they earn from the surgeries.  These guys really are monsters, unthinking and unethical monsters.  I have made the point that I think that the modern-day medical industry is ground zero for the eugenics movement.  They will kill you, starting with your brain.  And the trouble with full benefited career positions is that newcomers to the American medical industry find the cornucopia of medical services like candy on display in a drugstore malt shop.  Medical services are the cherry on top of a messianic education that saved the individual from destitution, despair, and set them on the right path of production.  Now, with a career, the graduate is entitled to benefits, entry into a medicated eugenics movement whom we are told is for our benefit.  
Major surgery was also found to age the brain by an average of four months and three days. 
You see, it's statements like these that should cause most thinking, reasoning, rational human beings to pause, 
Assistant professor Robert Sanders, of the Department of Anesthesiology at Wisconsin, said: “The cognitive effects of surgery should be considered alongside the other potential health benefits of surgery. 
In effect, the statement instructs the patient to consider the cognitive effects of surgery "alongside the other potential health benefits of surgery."  Did you hear the wording there?  Note how the author coupled surgery with benefits and for the patient to weigh the cognitive effects of surgery.  Do you think that his doctor is going to be there trying to work his patient toward the surgery?  I know that that's what my doctors did with me on my knee surgery.  I went to three different doctors for an opinion.  Each one promoted surgery.  There was no dissenting voice, offering alternative remedies.  None.  It felt like a monopoly or a consortium or panel of doctors who'd all gone to the same conference.  Little did I know I was locked into a surgical cabal.  People laugh at me for being so cynical and sarcastic, but when I stop to think about how the medical industry has been little less than a tank battalion traipsing through the bodies of family and friends, how can one not be critical?  And still, I hear folks place an undying faith and an inordinate amount of trust in their doctors who know next to nothing about nutrition.  And what they do know, is often anemic.  

This next statement may be the most honest in the history of mainstream medical annals.  
Potential mechanisms of brain injury in the perioperative period include strokes, mini-strokes and inflammation.
What that statement does is present the concrete reality of brain damage from surgery--damage by way of a stroke, a mini-stroke, and inflammation.  Inflammation can be dealt with through vitamin C and fish oils.  One of my customers a few years ago was having surgery on her sinus cavity.  She was an attractive woman, articulate, buoyant in her late 50s but she was worried about going under the knife.  I told her not to because I think that the tendency of surgery is that it weakens the point of surgery as well as the distal points that intersect at the point of surgery.  Worried as she was, she still went through with the surgery.  I told that if she's going to go through with it that she should at least load up with vitamin C minutes before the surgery.  She acknowledged the value of that advice but failed to honor it.  

I am absolutely stunned by the honesty of some of the statements in this article.  Truly, it surprises me.  It seems rare and feels like a shift in values driven by economic and cultural shifts from the post-war entrenchment of that era's professional bureaucracies.  It feels like deregulation.  But deregulation does not occur satisfyingly toward more freedoms and improvements.  It may be a case of one step forward, two steps back.  Time will tell.  
Long-term cognitive health may also be influenced by postoperative pain and some medications. It is widely considered that anaesthesia may affect long-term cognition but this has not been strongly supported by the recent literature. 
The article leads with "Doctors and scientists have long feared that general [anesthetic] . . . may damage the brain during surgery [including] . . . evidence to show a long-term impact."  Then here it adds that "It is widely considered that anaesthesia may affect long-term cognition but this has not been strongly supported by the recent literature."  Well, okay, genius, what literature?  Where?  How does one measure "strongly supported"?  What are the criteria for "strongly supported"?  Oh, that is a topic for another article, is that it?  Bait people and let them die on the vine.  So, note what this and other authors of their kind do.  They make a claim and then temper it with "but this has not been strongly supported by the recent literature."  What about historical literature?  What does that say about the effects of surgery?  I mean if anyone is thinking AT ALL about this, one can only surmise that the medical industry is filled with degreed idiotic automatons.  You can probably get better healthcare, I mean real health care, from a tribal shaman in Uganda.  

Oh, I loved this next remark, "“Unfortunately we are unable to study the mechanisms more fully in this dataset and we are conducting new studies to understand this better.”  Just as the author is making the case for dementia-like symptoms resulting from "major" surgery [I will add most surgeries], Ms. Sarah Knapton backs off from her conclusions for fear that she is offending the powerful cabal or commission or panel or medical monopoly by making statements that might cause a tectonic shift in their practices and rationale.

What I did learn from this article, notwithstanding the back-and-forth assertion-denial dog and pony show, was the aging of the brain from surgery can be extensive and long-term.  
During that 19 year period, 1,250 were admitted to hospital for major surgery, and after accounting for age-related cognitive decline, the authors calculated that major surgery was associated with an extra decline of just over four months.
Being admitted for a medical condition, such as a heart attack, also brought a mental decline of 1.4 years, while a stroke aged the brain by 13 years. 
This is why a stroke is so devastating.  And the best prevention, supplement-wise is methylcobalamin, i.e., B12.  You would think that with the devastating impact of surgery and post-surgery risks that Ms. Knapton could offer some remedy.  Alas, that's not what the medical literature is all about.  At least Ms. Knapton is consistent with the see-saw effect of her message, 
Fiona Carragher, Chief Policy and Research Officer at Alzheimer’s Society, said: “The main message to take from this study is that major surgery isn’t as bad for your cognition in midlife as some people might fear. The effect is slight – only speeding up the normal cognitive decline that occurs in ageing by five months. 
Oh, I see.  Now major surgery "ISN'T AS BAD FOR YOUR COGNITION IN MIDLIFE AS SOME PEOPLE MIGHT FEAR."  Glad that was cleared up.  So it isn't AS BAD?  So does that mean that it still IS BAD but just not AS BAD?  How bad are we talking about?  Bad.  Bad.  It's bad.  Inflammation bad?  Mini-stroke bad?  Macro-stroke bad?  Yeah, it's bad; that's bad.  

Then as Ms. Knapton waffles (I mean she really does have to, doesn't she, I mean if she wants to keep writing in the medical field, right), she leans on that old standby of anonymous authority of "studies show."  "Also, the study is limited, it gives us little information on their reason for a hospital stay, how severe their stroke was and we don’t know if they went on to develop dementia so cannot provide any information on dementia cause or risk."  "It gives us little information on their reason for a hospital stay . . ."?  Is she serious or is this a case of playing naive?  Everyone I've known who've been instructed by their doctor or by an emergency doctor to STAY in a hospital is because the patient had great insurance, and the hospital treats them like lab rats AND an ATM machine.  Ka-ching I believe is the reason for a hospital stay.  Go ahead, Ms. Knapton, say it.  The eugenics movement is a profitable gig.  

I don't think that I've read an article where the waffling has had such an ambiguous conclusion.  It's like reading a letter penned by a character in an Edgar Allan Poe story.  Check this out.  "“We know from our own research that hospital admissions and the state of delirium that can result from extended stays can have a negative impact on cognition among people with dementia."  So in the previous statement, Ms. Knapton asserts "that major surgery isn’t as bad for your cognition in midlife as some people might fear," then underscores her earlier and initial claim that "We know from our own research that hospital admission and the state of delirium that can result from extended stays can have a negative impact on cognition among people with [meaning those who already suffer from] dementia."
Okay, enough of my cynicism. 

Isn't that just wonderful?  Imagine all of the folks who've been sold by their doctors that a particular surgery was needed either to save their life or to save an organ or to improve a condition.  that this and that surgery is not only good for you but necessary.  And doctors recommend unnecessary surgeries without ever providing you with healthier, more natural remedies. 

Post-operative cognitive decline in older patients, apparently, has been known well and long.  NCBI observes
Older patients, in particular, are vulnerable to memory disturbances and other types of cognitive impairment after surgical operations. In one study, roughly 12% of patients over age 60 had postoperative cognitive dysfunction (POCD) three months after surgery. This is an important issue in perioperative care as extensive surgery on older patients becomes more common. 
It looks like anesthesia is the main cause of cognitive decline.  I must be a case that the anesthesia makes it harder for people to recover from the general malaise of anesthesia.  
Cognitive impairment after anesthesia and surgery (postoperative cognitive dysfunction, [POCD]) is a recognized clinical phenomenon.

We all know the value of B vitamins for improving nerves and muscle health.  How many of us have taken a B complex?  I know I have.  And as beneficial as the B complex is, it is not enough.  Here's why: the form of B vitamins that are in a B complex are usually water-soluble forms, like Thiamine, Niacin, Folic Acid, B5, B6, B9, and others.  What is more effective are fat-soluble B vitamins.  The fat-soluble version of Thiamine is called Allithiamine, and this, according to British doctor, Dr. Derrick Lonsdale, repairs the autonomic nervous system.  Martie Whittekin in her latest show and interview with Bill Sardi writes
(The oil-soluble forms of vitamin B1 we will discuss are benfotiamine and allithiamine the one that gets to the brain.) We will also explore good reasons (and some not so logical) for taking an anti-aging pill. The science is surprising. Read Mr. Sardi’s article on this topic. 
Sardi in his own article explains that 
. . . a single nutrient, thiamine (thii-ah-meen) vitamin B1, by virtue of its ability to facilitate the transport of oxygen on hemoglobin (the red oxygen-carrying pigment in red blood cells), as the antidote to eye, nerve, heart, brain and lung disorders. 
So, the better Thiamine form is the fat-soluble allithiamine.  Get it today if you want vitality.  Truly.  Citing a report by Derrick Lonsdale, Sardi says that most of us are vitamin B1 deficient.  A serious deficiency can cause beriberi.  Check out the symptoms of that.  Pretty serious.  Sardi emphasizes that we may be getting adequate INTAKE of B1 through our diet and from our multi-vitamins, but that eating of lots of carbohydrates like sugar, pasta, breads, rice, cereals, coffee, tea, sodas, alcohol, high-fructose corn syrup, and "bacon and peanut butter and prepared meats and just about everything else" means we're not ABSORBING enough B1: we may be consuming adequate amounts, but we're not absorbing it.  

THE RESULT?  And most of us are losing control of our autonomic nervous system; we develop dysautonomia through high-calorie malnutrition.  The autonomic nervous controls our breathing, heart rate, defecation, digestion, bowel movement, blood pressure, body temperature, sweating, tears, saliva, and more.  When we don't have vitamin B1, our autonomic nervous system gets out of whack.  We will experience heart flutters, digestion, mood, and blood pressure, nervous conditions, sleep--both the lack and oversleeping.  

Lonsdale explains that modern medicine has organized itself anatomically, according to individual organs, rendering medicine individualized and highly specific which is good.  We have cardiologists for the heart, neurologists for the central nervous system, ophthalmologists for the eyes, and so forth.  What this means is that no one is paying attention to the overall network effect of your nerves--the autonomic nervous system.  However, the autonomic nervous system encompasses every one of our organs.  A patient can go to 5 to 7 different doctors for different conditions but the origin of the problem, lack of vitamin B1, can go undiagnosed.  It's systemwide, and we can't get a handle on it.  We can treat the symptom but we can't treat the cause.  Sardi explains that there are 696 published papers where they've tried to use vitamin B, Thiamine, for 230 different diseases.  Of course, they've tried it because it is the cause of all of these!  In a society eating carbohydrates, drinking alcohol, even drinking coffee and tea, and these have blocked the absorption of Thiamine, B1.  Now, these perplexing diseases, which have affected all of us.  This was interesting: Thiamine was historically confined to prison camps where people didn't have the food, for alcoholics, and where starvation existed.  Now, it's widespread, and Lonsdale calls this widespread chronic-disease effect "high-calorie malnutrition."  Cardinal signs of B1 deficiency?  Swelling, nerve problems, circulatory problems.  Thiamine enables our cells to make energy in our mitochondria.  About 34% of pharmaceuticals impair the mitochondria.  Thiamine makes it possible to make energy.  Inadequate B1 impairs cell energy.  It critically impairs hemoglobin to carry red cell oxygen.  

Nausea is a lack of thiamine!  Memory loss, delirium, goosebumps, mental depression, insomnia, the list goes on and on--it is exhaustive.  Retina eye problems, Parkinson's disease.  Dr. Lonsdale says of the most severe forms of vitamin B1 deficiency are missed, so we're talking about something widespread.  Various points of stress in your life.  Factory workers in Japan took off the hull or bran of the rice, and they would go outdoors and in between two buildings they would shield themselves from sunlight until about noon when direct sunlight reached the earth's floor and struck them.  They all had different symptoms--hives, outbreak--all the result of a lack of vitamin B1.  The sun became a stressor.  You do not have the capacity to send the oxygen to produce cell energy and all of this produces sepsis because they can't stop the sepsis.  They're trying to treat it with vitamin B1 and vitamin C.  Why so many cases of sepsis now?  Because we don't have enough.  

In the 1930s, men taking B1 would have their dark hair return with Benfotiamine.  If you're going to drink coffee, then you take the Benfotiamine or Allithiamine or Sulbutiamine in the afternoon, away from your morning coffee.  You're going to keep your dark hair.  Allithiamine pierces the brain-blood barrier.  Benfotiamine does not, however, it is noted by Alzheimer's doctor by its ability to take away brain plaque and lack of memory in Alzheimer's patients.  Out of 150mgs, the body only absorbs 5mgs.  Coffee, tea, and water are diuretics interfere with its absorption, so take magnesium and zinc to increase its absorption.  Allithiamine gets to the blood-brain barrier.  If you have a serious disorder, you may want to take that for a while.  You are going to overcome some of these diseases.  You need some zinc.  Our heart beats without our conscious control.  In this study co-authored by Lonsdale, it looks as though Thiamine also solves autism.  

B1 is the first vitamin ever discovered in 1889.  Here is a little more background on Thiamine, its best food sources, and its uses.  

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