Friday, September 6, 2013

Avoid BPA: Get Glass

Food is important to me because it is the difference between health and sickness, between strength and weakness, and between power and control.  I read a lot of articles, many of them are disaster stories and for this reason I prefer not to share too many of those.  But there is this one story I read yesterday by Ethan Huff, a staff writer over at Mike Adams' Natural News.  It was an article on how pervasive BPA, the chemical of which plastics are made, is.  Plastics are ubiquitous.  If you drink bottled water, there's BPA in the bottle.  And you know from personal experience that those bottles sit during transportation for hours in sweltering heat across desert terrain.  When we see them on the store shelves, we don't see them inside 18 wheelers making their way across the deserts of the Southwest.  That plastic softens and melts, leeching chemicals into the water.  The waistband of our pants contain plastic.  Shoe parts are plastic.  Plastics are everywhere.  They're in your car.  In your bus ride.  Everywhere.  Not to mention the hallogens that appear in your living room furniture.  This is one of the reasons I prefer to drink water out of a glass bottle.  Not easy to find, which is why I do drink Perrier out of a glass bottle.

It's not for everybody.  But I like it.  The more I drink, the more I find myself dehydrated.  What's weird is that I found myself smelling like vinegar the other day.  My nurse friend of mine told me that it is probably me detoxing with water.  Okay.  I can live with that. 

The Huff article focused mainly on fetal exposure to BPA.  But it's in adults too, complicating hormonal and chemical processes.  Choose glass when you can, if you can.  Though the article was disheartening, you still have choices.  Choose glass.

BPA has a disastrous track record on sperm count and activity.  Does it threaten our species?

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