Monday, February 18, 2013

Cholesterol Is Good for You

Excellent interview on the benefits and risks of statins and on how lowering cholesterol does not, that's right does not, help in avoiding heart disease.  There are other factors, like sugar intake, stress, oxidative damage that must be paid attention to.  I don't know how well people tolerate sugar intake.  I realize that when we're young, energy and health are redundant.  But after years of work and enduring some stressful arrangements here and there, you know, the health barometer doesn't read as well as it used to.  As a result, foods, like sugar, that we could consume without thought now must give a whole new respect to.  By the way, the evidence is in: sugar is toxic.  Some of my older siblings continue to consume regular amounts of sugary desserts, like cakes, tarts, pastries, and ice cream.  I love ice cream, but I can't eat it as often or as much.  Haagen Daz has two flavors that I could not resist--Dark Chocolate and Java Chip.  Flavors are remarkable.  But the sugar content can waylay me.

As to stress, well, you know when you need to release all the arguments from toxic folks at work.  Just let them go.  Let them be.  There is victory in you letting them go.  It may require a few times to say and think to yourself "Let them go.  Let them go."  It's therapeutic.  After a while, you'll find that it is easier to "Let them go" and start putting your mind on good memories, good people to appreciate, good days in your life.  Eating well  is a choice.  People love to toss around that phrase "Success is the best revenge."  No it isn't.  Success is a choice.  It's a decision about preferring to be happy.  Happiness in and of itself is success.

Oxidative stress?  What causes that?  Eating junk food.  Eating too much.  Be smart and take good care.

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