Sunday, May 5, 2024

HERMAN MURRAY: If it's to save life, why ain't chemotherapy free? Why ain't insulin free, if it's to save everybody's life?

Apostle Herman Murray.

MURRAY:  You can give the whole world a shot?

CROOKED, ZIONIST-LOVING TRUMP: I recommend taking the vaccines!

MURRAY:  You can give the whole world a shot, but you still got people starving? 

See, ain't nobody said nothin'.  

"Oh, you got to take this shot.  You better take it!  It's to save your life and it's free.  We're giving it free because it's to save everybody's life."

If it's to save life, why ain't chemotherapy free?  

Why ain't insulin free, if it's to save everybody's life?  

So it's to save my life?  

But you got people dying of malnutrition?  

And we can't plant a garden over there, but we can send shots everywhere around the world?

Somebody better open their eyes!

The Subtle Art of Handling Rudeness with Grace

Saturday, May 4, 2024

LATYPOVA: who was arguing in court on behalf of Pfizer? Pfizer lawyers were not even in the [court] room. It was the Department of Justice.

What we now jointly collaborate on is revealing the structure, the pseudo-legal structure.  It's not lawful.  They made it legal on paper only.  This criminal cartel military-government-pharma military criminal cartel is actually operating all over the world so in addition to that and this is what is less understood by everyone is that the Department of Defense in the U.S. ordered all these COVID products which includes vaccines, but also includes therapeutics, monoclonal antibodies, diagnostics, even masks, and staffing, and there is a whole huge spending, ordering these so-called countermeasures under this contracting framework.  It's called Other Transactional Authority.  It was put in place in the '60s only for NASA.  Now, 11 federal agencies use it.  The Department of Defense is a particularly huge user of this contracting method because it allows them to contract without following any federal procurement rules and regulations with a lot of secrecy.  And they can specifically order products from otherwise regulated Industries, such as Pharma without following any regulations and also without disclosing IP so it's like that, it's a lot of secrecy.  They typically use this framework to order weapons from defense contractors but now they're using the same framework to order what they're telling us is a pharmaceutical product.  And finally, this structure clicks into place when the HHS Secretary, or the Department of Health and Human Services in the U.S., declares a pandemic or a Public Health Emergency, and, of course, they declare it immediately after The W.H.O. declared it based on 40 cases from 8 billion people in the world.  

What's the difference between a Public Health Emergency and a pandemic?  Emma Ross explains,

A PHEIC is the strongest global alert the WHO can formally make and, when it is declared, countries have a legal duty to respond quickly, whereas with a pandemic there is no infrastructure around the decision-making process, agreed criteria, or agreement of what countries need to do in response.

So they just decided it's time to declare a pandemic and in the US they declared a public health emergency so when all of this comes to play together what happens is there is this interesting law in the US this particular us code is cited here which says that the "Use of EUA, Emergency Use Authorized countermeasures is NOT a Clinical Investigation" under Public Health Emergency.  That explains why they need to extend Public Health Emergency into perpetuity because that allows them to implement this crime.  And the significance of this is that if the countermeasure cannot be a clinical investigational product, then no pharmaceutical regulation applies to these products.  So here is the lie that our government told to us and told to the world, and the governments all over the world repeated to their citizens.  They were claiming that it was a health event.  They were claiming that they were producing pharmaceutical products through CGMP, or Good Manufacturing standards when they perfectly well knew I assure you they were all aware of it they perfectly well knew that no pharmaceutical regulations applied to these things that these countermeasures this word countermeasures is a very interesting word.  It's a very fluffy definition. There's no real definition.  If somebody attacks me, and I pick up a rock and throw it at them, it's a countermeasure.  So anything can be a countermeasure.  It's just a category of things.  But once they designate them as such, they are no longer pharmaceuticals.  They're just lying to you that these are pharmaceuticals.  They are actually not.  In fact, when there was this famous case where Pfizer, it was said that Pfizer didn't want, or, the FDA didn't want to release clinical trial data for 75 years.  Well, who was arguing in court on behalf of Pfizer?  Pfizer lawyers were not even in the room.  It was the Department of Justice.  So why is the US government defending presumably a private commercial interest of a pharmaceutical company?  

4:32. Here you can see that the pharmaceutical companies are a third level down they are not in charge but they are getting tremendous amounts of money to shut up and follow the orders and do as they're told but the whole operation is run by the Department of Defense of the US government I'm not absolving farmers by the way of any responsibility they are criminals in this cartel and they're collaborating and they are co-conspirators and should be prosecuted together.  But as Dr. Malone actually mentioned, and I completely agree, here we have an implemented model of fascism.  This is how it's done: government merges with private corporations.  You can't even say who is wagging the dog, but they merged and then they lied.  And then they extended the liability [of the merger] to the private commercial entities from which they extracted commercial interest, or whatever interests they want to extract. 

5:35. So what really happened here was that vaccine development and approval . . . What were they doing when they did this what they were doing was play-acting.  They never had to follow those regulations by law that they wrote themselves.  It's an illegal law it's not lawful.  It's not constitutional but they made it legal on paper that they don't have to do them, yet they went and had and did them in collaboration with the FDA, the CDC, and all the other agencies.  And that was just to convince you, the public, that it really is a pharmaceutical product where it actually is not.  The clinical trials were never ordered. The Good Manufacturing Practices compliance was never ordered.  And legally speaking, there were never even clinical trial investigators, because if you cannot have an investigational product, then there is no investigation.  So the FDA leadership and Global regulatory leadership what they did [was] they impersonated the Regulators, so you, so that you fall for this lie and go get injected.  Finally, Pfizer already invoked this as a legal defense.  If you heard about Brooke Jackson's case in the U.S., she is suing Pfizer under the False Claims Act, 1863, that they defrauded the government.  Well, Pfizer filed a motion to dismiss the case.  It hasn't been dismissed yet, but Pfizer had already stated in court, "Please dismiss this case, Judge. We did not defraud the government.  We DELIVERED the fraud that the government ordered." 


Tedros was accused of covering up 3 major health epidemics

The W.H.O.'s repeated issuing of inaccurate and bad advice is not merely the result of incompetence, but the direct result of the Chinese Communist Party's, CCP's, deliberately buying out W.H.O.'s leadership.  

WEJOLYN: If you've been on Tylenol and over-the-counter drugs as well as prescription drugs, the chances that you have any good flora or bacteria . . . most people don't have a lot of it.


*  The liver cleanses the blood every 7 minutes.

The intestinal tract, where you digest food above, and the small intestines, are approximately 23 ft.  30 ft mouth to anus.  

* The Superior Mesenteric Vein that affects your lymph drainage and your nerve supply.

*  If you go to a chiropractor, they will adjust your Vagus Cranial Nerve.

* The [Vagus Cranial Nerve] goes from the cranium all the way down to the bowel and is distributed until the right 2/3 of the transverse colon.

*  If you've been on Tylenol and over-the-counter drugs as well as prescription drugs, the chances that you have any good flora or bacteria . . . most people don't have a lot of it.  

*  Ozone colonics is an adjunctive therapy. 


Your colon health is not only about poop I've been especially reminded about this as people are going through detox programs and they're bloated and they don't go to the bathroom or they tell me they go once a day and they're fine or every third day or whatever it is so your Colon's health is not only about poop.  What else happens?

Let's look at a little bit of anatomy here is your large and small intestines.  The bowel is about 5 ft.  The intestinal tract, where you digest food above, and the small intestines, are approximately 23 ft.  30 ft mouth to anus.  


This is your colon, and I want you to notice that there's a major aorta and all the veins that attach to the colon walls.  Why is that vitally important?  Because when you have poop stuck in your colon, you are technically poisoning yourself with the toxic substances sitting in your bowel.  And I just showed you all the blood attached, all the veins and the arteries, so all the toxins--skatole, cresol, indole, phenol--and the permeability of your intestinal wall, all of these things are affected by your stool sitting in that bowel and directly poisoning your blood.  And don't forget, the liver is cleansing that blood every 7 minutes.

So what else about this blood supply, what else do we know? So I'm just showing you another picture with the blood vessels' major artery that's attached to the colon wall.  Well, look at this, it's the Superior Mesenteric Vein that affects your lymph drainage and your nerve supply.  Nerves?  That means your sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system.  That is your Vagus Nerve.  

Now this is interesting.  If you go to a chiropractor, they will adjust your Vagus Cranial Nerve.  But people don't talk about the fact that it goes from the cranium all the way down to the bowel and it's distributed until the right 2/3 of the transverse colon.


Well, it can affect you because it's responsible for your parasympathetic nervous system, which is the calming influence, right?  The sympathetic is stress, cortisol-producing, like, you know, you're running away from a bear.  But this vagus nerve does the opposite.  It helps you get rid of stress and remain calm. The more things you do to stimulate that Vagus Nerve, the more relaxed you are, and guess what?  It attaches right to your colon.  That's why people feel so much better after they've had a colonic, right?  They feel amazing and they don't understand why this is one of the reasons, okay? 

2:40. Then I want to show you this.  Here is your colon, and I've already shown you the major artery in the veins attached to that colon wall, which affects everything in your body because it's your blood.  It's like soil to a plant, right?  This is your blood directly affected by your colon.  But look at these little green dots.  Those are your lymph nodes.  How important are your lymph nodes?  Well, basically your lymph nodes are your immune system, right?  The lymph nodes are like little trash cans that take out the garbage, and when they're full and when they don't move they get full of waste and matter, and if they're attached here to this colon wall that's full of poop, you can see this is going to be a big problem.  Now here is something interesting.  The heart is a pump, and it pumps your blood.  But the lymphs technically have no pump.  If you don't work out, if you don't sweat, if you don't do baths that cause sweating and perspiring, if you don't do saunas, if you don't do something to open these lymphs, especially as we age or we get sick or God forbid we have cancer, we're going to get very, very ill.  

So here's a brief overview of the lymphatic system: helps defend the body against illness-causing germs, bacteria, viruses, and fungi.  These are illness-causing germs, I should say.  The system builds immunity by making special white blood cells called lymphocytes that produce antibodies that are responsible for immune responses that defend the body against disease.  As lymph fluid passes through the lymph nodes, the white blood cells attack any bacteria or viruses found.  This system helps to remove these impurities and dispose of them through perspiration, sweating, bowel movements, urine, and breath. Now let's go back again and look at that.

4:18. There are lymph systems throughout, or lymph nodes, throughout the entire body.  If you have breast cancer, they look under your arms, etc.  So it's very interesting.  When I tell people that with your colon, not only are your blood vessels attached to the wall, you have major arteries attached to the walls, your lymph system is attached to the walls, and you have poop sitting inside that colon for long periods of time.  Your motility of the bowel.  So looking at this picture of the bowel, I want to show you guys something.  See how the large intestine has these little bumps; they go all around the edges.  They just look like weird little bumps.  Well, those are muscles.  The colon technically is a muscle.  The colon should be those musculatures, should be doing this all day, and that's called peristalsis; that's churning, and the musculature pushes the stool forward until it eventually has a bowel movement.  The problem here is that most people's peristalsis and the movement of those muscles is stagnant.  Stagnant.  And we have doctors on TV telling everybody to not do the colonics cuz it's going to remove all of the good bacteria.  And I want to tell you guys to look at the anatomy.  You got your veins.  You have a major artery attached to this colon wall.  You have the blood supply to the colon a major Superior Mesenteric Vein, lymph drainage attached to the colon, and their supply when you're all wired up and you need peristalsis sympathetic a lot of this has to do with this blood supply that's also going directly to that: that is full there is a s*** and all of the toxins that come with s*** right 

6:00. Then imagine that you've got MS.  Imagine you've got Lyme disease.  Imagine you have cancer and your autoimmune system ability body's ability to actually eliminate the toxins is compromised because you're sick.  So now instead of toxins coming right through the body and coming straight out of that bowel and being eliminated and they are not, they are sitting there, and we need them when we are sick . . .  When I had breast cancer, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, lupus, and MS, when I was so ill my elimination systems were not working well . . . .  They also don't work well when you're on prescription drugs.  If that prescription drug is supposed to make you feel calmer, it's also making your colon stagnant; it's not moving right.  We need peristalsis.  We need the musculature of the colon to be moving.  Now tell me again that you're worried about losing your good bacteria out of the bowel when you understand this anatomy right here.  Your good bacteria totally count.  But when I work with people, when I do a lab test, and I find out that they're loaded with bacteria, it's a process to restore . . . we need to that bowel, we need to kill the bad bugs, we need to get that body's elimination system open again and working.  And down the road with diet and other things, we will restore that flora.  But if you've been on Tylenol and over-the-counter drugs as well as prescription drugs, the chances that you have any good flora or bacteria . . . most people don't have a lot of it.  

So I wanted to draw your attention with this short video to the anatomy of the colon so that you will understand how incredibly vital it is to keep this organ clean.  The liver and the colon are intimately connected.  When this bowel is all backed up, remember this, you have intestinal auto-intoxication, meaning you're intoxicating yourself all day long because all that stuff in there is just releasing its toxic load into the bloodstream which affects the liver.  Now, if you have fatty liver, let's say you have a non-alcoholic fatty liver disorder, you are already compromised.  So again, the colon is the major organ that's going to help release and help unburden you.  Know the burden of all of this waste is directly affecting you.  So I call colonics an adjunctive therapy.  It's not the answer to everything, but it's very impactful and it's very helpful for most people who are ill.   When I was ill and I couldn't do anything, I was told I would be in a wheelchair by the time I was 40.  I couldn't take a lot of supplements I couldn't do a lot of things.  I was very very ill.  Colonics, also enemas, coffee enemas, were one of the things that released my toxic load.  It unloaded me.  I actually had moments of the day where I felt good.  Nothing else had made me feel good, so it was a very good beginning.