Friday, December 1, 2023

California has 50% of the nation's homeless and had the highest mortality rate during COVID than any other state, but Newsome says he's doing a better job than DeSantis

40% of all Russian government expenditures will be related to defense and security in 2024. An increase in spending of 70%, which equates to 391 billion USD. None of it will be wasted on aircraft carriers

Brazil is set to join the OPEC+ group of oil-producing countries which includes Saudi Arabia and Russia from January, per Reuters

Rep. Paul Tonko (D-NY) Received More than $200,000 from the Healthcare Industry of the more than $1 Million Super PAC Money--Partly Funded by Bill Gates

Former Mike Pence Staffer, Ms. Troye Claims Censorship of Americans Is A “Conspiracy Theory.” Was she involved with censoring others on behalf of Pence ??

Ms. Olivia Troye is Mike Pence’s Homeland Security and Counterterrorism Adviser.  Hence the smirk.