Friday, March 3, 2023

DR. PETERSON PIERRE: "a study that showed that there was a 2.5 times increase in antibodies to the placental protein after receiving the COVID shots. So this could clearly compromise current pregnancies as well as all future pregnancies."

So as we've all learned that the spike proteins first enter the spleen, then the liver, then the heart, then the brain.  But it actually gets to all the functioning organs in the body, even attacking the woman's placenta belonging to her baby.  Dear God.

TRUMP'S VISION FOR AMERICA: 4. launch a baby boom with bonuses for young parents 5. beautification campaign, get rid of ugly buildings

The whole "Make America Great Again" ain't gonna happen.  It can't.  There's no there there.   

But like him or not, he is the only meaningful brand of all the candidates.  Could you imagine if he delivered on these promises?  

Could I enter my own list?  

How about we eliminate the surveillance state?  And those who've been harmed by it, that they receive financial restitution.  

Can we eliminate the CIA, the president's private army that is accountable to no one, not even the president? 

Could we make the criminal courts more accountable?  

Why are we fighting this proxy war? It has nothing to do with freedom and saving the world. This has everything to do with protecting the financial interests of the Biden family . . .

"We're terrorizing people all across the world and we've destroyed a major piece of infrastructure . . . "

Anne Applebaum is a staff writer at The Atlantic.

Applebaum's husband . . .

During the pandemic, 129 billion masks that could not be biodegraded were used and thrown away every month. Not a peep from the Climate mongerers