Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Fauci, Gotlieb and other scientists knew

This is a longer version of this interview back in August 2022

Monday, January 9, 2023

"An outraged Gottlieb contacted Todd O'Boyle, Twitter's point of contact with the White House, and got the Tweet labeled "Misleading."

From Tom Woods:

There's a certain fellow who sits on the board of a certain company who -- we now know -- has been trying to silence critics of a certain product.

I'm talking about Scott Gottlieb, who served as commissioner of the FDA from 2017 to 2019, and who also happens to sit on the board of Pfizer.

And he's not just any board member: he sits on the board's executive committee and directs its regulatory and compliance committee.

Thanks to Alex Berenson's work with the Twitter Files, we know that Gottlieb, too, has been pushing to get dissident voices silenced.

One such voice he went after was that of Brett Giroir -- who in fact served as FDA commissioner after Gottlieb.

Here's what Giroir said that was so dangerous:

"It's now clear COVID-19 natural immunity is superior to vaccine immunity, by ALOT. There's no science justification for #vax proof if a person had prior infection. @CDCDirector. @POTUS must follow the science. If no previous infection? Get vaccinated!"
So note: Giroir is actually encouraging the shots for people not yet infected and recovered, and yet this still isn't enough for Gottlieb, who objects to the claim about natural immunity being superior to vaccine immunity.

An outraged Gottlieb contacted Todd O'Boyle, Twitter's point of contact with the White House, and got the Tweet labeled "Misleading." From that point on it was essentially invisible.

That wouldn't be the only time Gottlieb would use his clout to go after dissidents, according to Berenson, but it's sufficient for us today. A Pfizer board member is going to tell us what we can and can't say about his product?

There will no doubt be plenty more revelations like these, although at this point they're probably just confirming what we already suspected or assumed. But we need these revelations, at the very least because historians will need more to go on than our hunches. An actual paper trail will help them tell this sordid story.

Speaking of storytelling, early last month I co-hosted an event on how to get a book written, published, and visible to buyers, but it was Christmas month and everyone was running around like a lunatic, so my partner in that venture is running an encore presentation on Wednesday for all my would-be authors (and I know that describes many of you). You'll enjoy it and learn a lot, so sign up here, and enjoy:

Tom Woods

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