Monday, November 23, 2020


From a health standpoint, COVID is no worry whatsoever.  If it makes you concerned about your health, that's a good thing.  You always want to be prepared to care for your biology.  But to allow the government to tell you to wear a mask, go out during hours only it dictates, or distance yourself from people truly is a crime against humanity.  You just haven't seen the results of this crime yet.  But healthwise, if you want protection, there is no better protection than vitamin D3 with K2, vitamin C, and Zinc.  Take these three on a daily basis, and your body will handle external stress, biological stress, and worry like a champ.  The studies that look at deficiencies as a cause of COVID generally spot a vitamin D deficiency for cases, for illness, even for death.  I would say that vitamin D is the go-to nutrient to prevent all-cause mortality.  It has the effect of fortifying all parts of your body--heart, brain, muscles, nerves.  I published a video on the benefits of vitamin D a few years ago.  

A Forbes Magazine article reported that 

Researchers in Spain have discovered that 82% of hospitalized patients with Covid-19 were vitamin D deficient in a new study published today. They studied levels of the vitamin in 216 patients admitted to the hospital for Covid-19 treatment in March this year, finding that 8 in 10 patients were considered clinically deficient. 

Clinically deficient means that the patients were showing signs or symptoms of D deficiency.  The message is multiple: one, if you want to stay out of a hospital, take vitamin D.  If you don't want to get a Coronavirus, take vitamin D.  Here is a shortlist of symptoms from vitamin D deficiency

1)  Feeling weak.

Fatigue.  Extreme fatigue.  If you’re feeling fatigued and tired, don’t reach for the caffeine—coffee, tea, cola, or Red Bull, for these, will only exacerbate the fatigue.  Vitamin D will absolutely boost your energy.  The best way to take vitamin D is with vitamin A, magnesium, and a fat-soluble compound, like fish oils. 

2)  Bone and back pain.

3)  Depression.

4)  Impaired wound healing.  Taking vitamin E with vitamin D will enhance the healing of your wounds.

5)  Hair loss. 

6)  Muscle pain.  

Okay, so those are the symptoms of D deficiency.  Know that these symptoms in any organ of your body will respond positively from vitamin D supplementation.  Ha, ha, the reporters of the article caution that the findings in the vitamin D study do not confirm a causative relation of vitamin D to sickness or illness.  But what's funny is that this is always the chicken or the egg problem.  On one level, it doesn't matter what the cause is.  Vitamin D supplementation will definitely fortify you.  Whether it was stress or a biological entity that caused you to get sick, one of the side effects of sickness is that viruses, bacteria, and stress use up a lot of vitamin D and you find yourself depleted.  Restoring your vitamin D stores means you're no longer sick.  

Here is the video on vitamin D that I posted 5 years ago.  Vitamin D is essential for hardened tooth enamel.  If your teeth are sensitive, vitamin D will help with this sensitivity.  Vitamin C helps with your gums.  Vitamin A helps with the tooth pulp, the dentin within your teeth.  Oh, and be sure to use a fluoride toothpaste.  Unless you can find some other, safer compound to use on your teeth that will keep them hardened.  

I found this brand of vitamin D at Amazon's Top Sellers List.  One of my favorite types of vitamin D that I've taken is one that came with olive oil and coconut oil. 

COVID-19: It's all just narrative

Sunday, November 22, 2020

British Army will start testing and bar-coding children at school without parental consent.

Gaming Is Good for You?

Wednesday, November 18, 2020


This is long overdue. 

Ron Paul and Daniel McAdams interview Bill Sardi.  Sardi is saying that because of the lockdown that people are consuming more sugars, more refined carbohydrates, more alcohol, and more coffee to compensate from the effects of the former, all of which block the absorption of vitamin B1, Thiamine.  Thiamine deficiency mimics cold and flu symptoms, things like sniffles, poor breathing (low B1 depresses the autonomic nervous system that is responsible for all of the automatic functions in your body), and fever.  

In light of what Jon Rappoport found that there is no visual evidence of COVID-19, it looks like the lockdown itself is killing people and not the virus.  

Sardi says to just stay healthy--by taking vitamins D, C, and Zinc.   

You should know that vitamin C is not just for colds and flu, but is excellent for all sizes of blood vessels--veins, arteries, capillaries.  For these parts of your body, you should be taking daily vitamin C, approx. 500 mg every 4 hours.  
