Thursday, July 21, 2011


Following a good protein diet with eggs and bacon each morning, I gained a little weight.  After 50, shedding those pounds is a never-ending battle.  But I came upon Edward Group's site through Lew Rockwell and found that organic apple cider vinegar helps to alleviate what you don't want, stimulate what you do want, and to help you lose weight.  Check out the benefits and how to use it as a weight-reducer.  My word not convincing enough? Here is a testimonial.  Though they perform a different function, I'd hoped that by taking digestive enzymes that I might lose a little weight that way. Not so much.  But the apple cider vinegar definitely stimulates my metabolism and I can feel it.  I've just started.  Been on the vinegar for 2 days.  I will let you know the results, yay or nay, at the end of a week.  So, until Tuesday, July 26.  Here is a good article on the benefits of apple cider vinegar.  I do notice that vinegar breaks up mucous; that breaking up of mucous causes phlegm to form in my lungs.  So I can tell, I can feel that vinegar works on mucous build-up, what is effectively residuals from chronic illness, fatigue, and whatnot.  MindBodyGreen notes that apple cider vinegar can do the following:
HELP YOU DETOX                                                                                      As part of balancing the body's pH, apple cider vinegar creates an overall detoxification of the body. Research shows that it can help stimulate cardiovascular circulation and help detoxify the liver.
ACV IS GREAT for YOUR LYMPHATIC SYSTEM                                   This miracle vinegar helps to break up mucous throughout the body and cleanse the lymph nodes. Believe it or not, research suggests that apple cider vinegar can help with allergies because of its ability to reduce mucous and sinus congestion. When reducing the effects of allergies, it can also help stave off sinus infections and their related symptoms, such as sore throats and headaches.
HELP GET RID OF CANDIDA                                                                   This vinegar is rich in natural enzymes that can help rid your body of candida—yeasts that are attributed to thrush in humans. Candida also is blamed for creating symptoms of fatigue, poor memory, sugar cravings, and yeast infections.
I just don't know how long I will have to take this stuff to the point where I feel energetic.  I did notice that my stomach feels a little stronger, a little tighter.  I do believe that the vinegar's role in clearing up the mucous produces energizing effects.  It's gradual.  I've got to be patient.  I noticed last night, too, that after taking some fish oils the muscles in my left leg grew relaxed.  Again, I think that the vinegar I've been on for the last week has produced a clearing effect and it allows for other therapies to have a more potent effect.  So there it is.
"Apple cider vinegar can help you lose weight.  Here's why.  The acetic acid suppresses your appetite, increases your metabolism, and reduces water retention.  Scientists also theorize that apple cider vinegar interferes with the body's digestion of starch, which means fewer calories enter the bloodstream."
More on vinegar. 

Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Skinny On Red Wine

LUNGS: A small amount of alcohol speeds up the breathing rate. 
But at this level of intoxication, the stimulating effects of alcohol are replaced by an anaesthetic effect 
that acts as a depressant on the central nervous system. The heart rate lowers, as does blood pressure 
and respiration rates, possibly to risky levels - in extreme cases the effect could be fatal. During exhalation, 
the lungs excrete about 5 per cent of the alcohol you have consumed - it is this effect that forms the basis 
for the breathalizer test.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Margaret Durst on Losing Weight

Cranberry Juice: "5 times a day . . . helps cleans out the lymphatic system and cellulite."

  Margaret Durst explains, "Fat burning foods help keep metabolism high. These are grapefruit, lemon and lime juice, unsweetened cranberry juice, green tea and celery. One of my favorite diet plans requires drinking unsweetened cranberry juice 5 times per day because it also helps cleans out the lymphatic system and cellulite."  

See the post on using organic apple cider vinegar for losing weight.

Thursday, June 30, 2011


Magnesia phosphorica in the 6X potency.

“Our current protocol includes a once-daily use of the magnesium oil. I add ionic magnesium drops to our drinking and cooking water, as well as to every pot of soup, pan of sautéed vegetables, tray of stuffed peppers. I call this ‘microdosing’ and it is in addition to using sea vegetables and plenty of bone broths. Along with the Magnesia phosphorica, Alex takes the tissue salt Kali phosphorica (potassium phosphate) which is indicated for all conditions of nervous debility; the two together make a very good heart tonic. At bedtime, Alex has a single dose of magnesium citrate with a food complex vitamin C powder. This is a relaxing evening ritual and now causes no intestinal upset.
Ramiel reviews the different Rall aspects of possible dental interventions, including root canals, amalgam fillings, fluoride, sealants, whitening, x-rays, conventional vs. biological dentistry and dental visits in general. Wait, what?  What does that last one mean, "dental visits in general"? Even for a cleaning?  He mentions that he still has mercury amalgam fillings following the advice of “a wise person who suggested that he not get the fillings replaced.” One of the biological dentists I work with believes that this is not the best health advice and that all mercury-based fillings and other dental metals such as metal with porcelain or gold crowns should be replaced with less toxic composite or pure porcelain  crowns. I personally like what Ramiel says, “Fillings, regardless of the material used, can block the energy currents in the tooth”. 

"Block energy currents in the tooth"?  Hmm.  What kind of energy exists in the tooth?  And why is that the energy that these gurus talk about is always energy that one cannot feel to begin with even with healthy teeth? At what age do people feel the energy in their teeth, and is that energy different from energy in other parts of your body?  If it is, prove it.  But no, we don't get these proofs.  We only get the credentials of the messenger.  

Not everyone gets ill from amalgam fillings nor does their replacement always make people well. “Again, this demonstrates how the most ideal solution to cavities is to heal and prevent them with nutrition.”  So food is a more powerful healer of the mouth than any metal or porcelain molds inserted into the mouth?  
I.  Mercury.  Mercury Amalgams.  Mercury amalgams are not good. The metal degrades over time and slow drips into your blood disrupting key organs and their fluids, like hormones.  Amalgams are bad for your brain and other nervous systems.  And amalgams weaken your immune health.
Charlie Brown and Joseph Mercola talk about the boycott of Henry Schein.
Henry Schein says that dental manufacturing is a major seller and distributor of dental mercury and amalgam in the United States. Okay . . . and?
To get you on the right dental track, he directs you to more information--to the Mercury-Free Dentistry's Facebook Page and their website.


Weston Price Foundation maybe the best place on caring for your teeth. Don't miss it.

1.  Premolar.
2.  Canines, Cuspids, Dog teeth, Fangs, Eye-teeth.
3.  Incisors.
4.  Molar Wisdom teeth are molars.  Their removal is not necessary.  It's better to keep all of your teeth.  Do not let dentists persuade you that they have to be removed.  Extraction of teeth is a surgical procedure that dentists charge you for.  Your mouth is not a dentist's ATM machine. 


Enlarged View
Your Tooth 

2.  Extraction leaves you with 3 options: one, a partial; two, implant (not recommended); best and most elegant solution, but also most expensive, is the bridge. 

This video offers some pretty good advice on how to repair your teeth.



1.  A balanced diet of greens and meat.
2.  Oil-pulling.  Take a teaspoon of olive oil after eating and suck it to the back of your throat without swallowing.  Repeat this several times in the courser of 90 seconds.  Suck up the oil through your teeth.  Then spit the oil out.  Do not swallow the oil please.  Oil-pulling serves as an anti-biotic and anti-viral.  As bacteria and viruses build up in your mouth, one of the best ways to keep your mouth infection free is oil-pulling.  I use olive oil; some recommend other kinds of oils.  The recommendation on oil pulling is to do it for 20 minutes each time, three times per day.  Apparently, the 20-minute mark is when the oil should turn white in your mouth, indicative of all the bacteria in your mouth being collected.
3.  Floss.
4.  Consistently brush after a meal.
5.  How to remineralize your teeth?


Cure Tooth Decay Naturally?
Fat-soluble Vitamin A called Retinol helps fight tooth decay.

Here is an added resource from Weston-Price Foundation on holistic care of teeth.  Good luck.  If anyone has fillings or crowns or root canals, we end up spending too much time and money trying to get back what we've lost while we lose more out the side door in the mean time.  I hate dentists.  I hate dentistry.  How many deadly institutions and murderous organizations exist today to make lives for human beings miserable?   

Mark Sisson has some suggestions.

1. Acidic foods and drinks, like coffee and tea, rob your teeth of minerals.  Stop drinking these drinks for a while and watch your teeth remineralize.
2.  Start drinking water with minerals.  Distilled water does not have the minerals found in spring water.   
3.  My frugal friends like to argue that tap water is just as clean as bottled water.  I'm not convinced.  Tap water has fluoride, but so does bottled water.  The only water that may not have fluoride is distilled water.  And if you can manage it, the other thing you'll want to avoid is plastic containers for the PBCs.  I like the bottled spring water Mountain Valley.  It comes in a glass bottle, so you win there.  And the water tastes clean, like real mountain spring water.

Remineralize tooth health.  Mike Adams and tooth health.