Saturday, December 23, 2023

kind of funny how low the median American wealth is despite being the world reserve currency for eight decades. (It’s because the benefits don’t flow to the median American.)

The 1986 Law permits them the right to not disclose known risks to parents or guardians of those being vaccinated

This is an excerpt from the NIH Bookshelf, Chapter 6 of the book titled, Division of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention. Vaccine Supply and Innovation. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 1985. Chapter 6 is titled, "Liability for the Production and Sale of Vaccines." 

Starting in 1988, no vaccine manufacturer was liable for a vaccine-related injury or death from one of the recommended vaccines "if the injury or death resulted from side effects that were unavoidable even though the vaccine was properly prepared and was accompanied by proper directions and warnings."  This language stems from the second restatement of torts the US Supreme Court decided Bruesewitz v. Wyeth, which dealt specifically with this provision in February 2011.

In addition to broad liability protection, the 1986 Law also provides another shield to manufacturers under federal law.  The 1986 Law permits them the right to not disclose known risks to parents or guardians of those being vaccinated.  Resting on the "learned intermediary" doctrine, manufacturers bear no liability for giving, or failing to give, accurate or complete information to those vaccinated, and have only to provide relevant information to doctors, who must give patients CDC Vaccine Information Statements. 

The Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit has established a petitioner's burden of proof in a series of cases it requires that a petitioner prove: 

COLORADO: The 4 justices who all went to Ivy Leagues all voted for it; they thought this was a good idea. The 3 that went to Denver Law School, the non-Ivy League school, were all against it and wrote scathing dissents against it

David Sacks is the speaker. 

The host is Chamath Palihapitiya

"Liberals are the real authoritarians." 

Matt Taibi: Only people who live within a bubble within a bubble within a bubble could ever think that a decision like this is a good idea.  Here are the 3 bubbles: 1) all of these judges were democratic appointments.  So living within the Democratic Party is the first bubble; 2) The fact that they all went to Ivy League schools.  This is actually a 4-3 decision.  The 4 justices who all went to Ivy Leagues all voted for it; they thought this was a good idea.  The 3 that went to Denver Law School, the non-Ivy League school, were all against it and wrote scathing dissents against it; 3rd bubble is people who've been totally marinating in the mainstream media and their coverage of this because they think that they can just conclude that Trump is guilty of an insurrection.  Because it's just a fact according to the media they listen to.  Trump has never been convicted of that crime; he's never even been charged with it . . . .

Stay out of these care facilities. They're not care facilities, they're warehouses

I feel like I'm standing on the perimeter of the field watching events unfold at the Jonestown Massacre 1978.  When will people wake up, push back, and crush these enemies of life?