Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Aphasia is Prion disease.

Well, it couldn't be helped.  People are stupid.  They take their life into their own hands, thinking that what they do does not effect others.  They think that because they are isolated, and being isolated tend to rely on their own counsel which is born of arrogance, that their decision is infused with a certain amount of horrifically errant convictions.  But they don't know that either because people don't talk to each other.  Some folks took the shot because their work mandated it.  Their work didn't strap them down in a chair and shove a needle into their arm, no.  Instead, their company used the mandates to threaten them. In the context of that threat, these individuals began to rationalize and diminish the threats associated with the vaccine against the threat of losing their job, having to find another without missing a beat on payments. So it was a balance of risks.  And the idiots opted for the poison that they've learned since is a deadly, crippling poison, one that sheds among families because the spike proteins have a natural attraction to a genetic match. Do you think the vaxx'd know this?  Don't make me laugh.  But how could they do that?  How could theyslowly rationalize side effects they had no knowledge of except for the handful of folks they'd seen on TV whose nervous system was so blown out that the victims on film either couldn't walk, couldn't stand, and couldn't talk.  Those who got the shots are high-risk takers and deem themselves invulnerable as if no severe health disaster could happen to them.  

It's true, the government deceives its citizens.  This is not new.  Government lying to it's citizens is as old as the hills.  Like I said above, the height of arrogance.  In their defense, many will claim, "Well, I didn't know what was in the vaccine! How could I know what the effects would be?" Yet they still took the shot.  And now they find themselves tooken.  Generally speaking, when confronted with limited knowledge [which is everybody all the time], the individual must pause, he must balk at any demand, any and every group pressure, stop and think.  You wait until you get more information to make a better decision.  Never accept blindly, complicitly, willingly, or cooperatively from any medical agency offering you drugs.  Never.  Know your history.  Please.  It's too late now.  If you got vaxx'd and shared housing with a sibling, you probably were on the receiving end of gifted spike proteins that slowly dissolves the wall of blood vessels throughout many organs.  Think if it as acid dissolving you from the inside out.  It's just a matter of time before you're dead.  

The trouble is the vaxx'd are the defenseless adults in our society, as though they'd been orphaned by sound reasoning, abandoned by their own survival intelligence.  If their company mandates the shot and threatens you with termination unless you get the shot, well there could be no greater or clearer declaration of war than that.  At that point, your "Hey Buddy" supervisor is no longer your work friend, no longer the leader or the good fella who brung you up along in the company, and if you can't realize that then you're a genuine intelligence risk to your real family and friends and personal network or cartel.  From an ethical standpoint, you are radioactive and should be ostracized and cast out to make a go at life o your own wiles.  You're literally not fit for survival or anyone else's.  Your employer should now be considered your  mortal enemy.  But do you think that the vaxx'd, the defenseless vaxx'd, think this way?  Hardly.  No, they want to show their employer that they're a company man, that they are a partner to a replaceable supervisor over the well-being of their family members. This is an abomination. You see, it's all about their ego because they're remarkably vulnerable.  For the workers who were "coerced," knowing that you were being coerced, could you not recognize that you HAD TO FIGHT YOUR EMPLOYER, and not comply with their remarkably evil command?  You couldn't go online and find a sample exemption letter?  You

And then we've got folks who took the vaccine so that they could get back to normal so the government says.  Do they know that the government lies?  If you've worked in government agencies, you must surely know that governments not only lie but they kill . . . masses of people.  So, again, the vaxx'd thought they were cutting some special deal with government, some special privilege they were negotiating: I'll take shot, and you'll let me fly to Paris. Do you know who you're dealing with?  To quote Gerry Conlon, "It's the government, Gareth.  It's the government."  


12 important COVID type reporting I wanted to share in case you may have missed these.

Coconut milk helps promote hair growth, the oil is good for hair texture too.