Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Spinach Boosts Muscle. Popeye Was Right!

"They found that eating 300g of the vegetable reduced the amount of oxygen needed to power muscles by as much as five per cent when exercising. The effect is so powerful it works after just three days. The secret is not iron but nitrates which are abundant in the vegetable. These chemicals make the mitochondria – the "engine rooms" of every cell – more efficient, they found."

Monday, January 17, 2011

Non-GMO Shopping Guide

Do you drink milk substitutes?  Then you need this guide.  Do you take vitamin supplements?  Then you need this guide.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Your Milk on Drugs?

Here is a great documentary on the ugly influences of Monsanto into your, into our, milk cows.  RBGH is a bovine growth hormone manufactured by Monsanto.  A second documentary by Jeffrey Smith is The Hidden Dangers in Kids' Meals.

One wholesome-and-delicious answer to Monsanto's tainted milk is to drink Claravale Dairy's Raw Milk.