Showing posts with label ribavirin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ribavirin. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

"TBI can be attenuated by vitamin B-12 treatment through its beneficial role on axon regeneration after nerve injury."

Okay, so this should be of help to those trying to fix this and that.  I'm not familiar with those two drugs--Ribavirin and Telbivudine--but I am familiar with B12 and B3, Niacin.  Niacin has already been proven to be an effective anti-COVID symptom therapy.  It is often referred in the literature to a clot buster.  In addition, it keeps any of the spike proteins from adhering to tissue.  So if you've taken the vaccine, this is one function that you'll want to avail yourself of.  The other compound, B-12, is almost exclusively an excellent nerve tonic and nerve regenerator.  Yep, a nerve regenerator.  In this era of COVID, we hear a lot about muscle wasting and shrinkage, like brain shrinkage.  Well, B12 maintains brain volume if you take it regularly.  One of the benefits of eating nutrient dense animal protein is that you're getting adequate B-12.  NCBI reports that 

Vitamin B12 has been reported to promote axon growth of neuronal cells after peripheral nerve injury, which is currently used for the treatment of peripheral nerve damage in the clinical trial. Thus, we hypothesized that TBI can be attenuated by vitamin B-12 treatment through its beneficial role on axon regeneration after nerve injury. 

So if you're looking for a compound to regrow nerve tissue, look no further than B12.