Showing posts with label or smallpox. Show all posts
Showing posts with label or smallpox. Show all posts

Sunday, June 9, 2024

ROMAN BYSTRIANYK: Why did tuberculosis fall as a massive killer from the 1800s into the mid-1900s before antibiotics or a vaccine were available? By the way, TB was a far far bigger killer than measles, whooping cough, or smallpox

Why did tuberculosis fall as a massive killer from the 1800s into the mid-1900s before antibiotics or a vaccine were available? By the way, TB was a far far bigger killer than measles, whooping cough, or smallpox (see the relatively tiny bit at the bottom of the chart – that’s smallpox). [Massachusetts Deaths White Plague (Tuberculosis) Deaths Per 100,000, 1861 to 1970.]