Showing posts with label national sovereignty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label national sovereignty. Show all posts

Saturday, November 25, 2023

BREAKING NEWS: W.H.O. rejected. Estonia has rejected all attempts at a power grab by the Globalist Parasites

Saturday, March 19, 2022


LARP is Live Action Role Playing.  When was the last time that you heard any Christian pastor say these words who weren't frightened by the Gestapo or that money flow from the COVID spigot?

In such a unipolar, unified world [meaning one-world government] there is no place for sovereign states.  Such a world needs merely vassals. 

I introduce to you, Vladimir Putin.

A further challenge (Danger) for the national Russian identity is connected to the process we observe outside of Russia.  They include foreign policy, foreign, and other aspects. 

We see that many Euro-Atlantic (the West) states have taken the way where they deny or reject their own roots, including their Christian roots which form the basis of Western Civilization. 

In these countries, the moral basis and any traditional identity are being denied—national, religious, cultural and even gender identities are being denied or relativized.

These politics treat a family with many children as equal to a homosexual partnership (juridically); faith in God is equal to faith in Satan.   

The excesses and exaggerations of political correctness in these countries indeed lead to serious consideration for the legitimization of parties that promote the propaganda of pedophilia. 

The people in many European states are actually ashamed of their religious affiliations and are indeed frightened to speak out about them. 

Christian holidays and celebrations are abolished or “neutrally” renamed as if one were ashamed of those Christian holidays.  With this method, one hides away the deeper moral value of these celebrations.

And these countries try to force this model onto other countries, globally.  I am deeply convinced that this is a direct way to the degradation and primitivization (of culture).  This leads to a deeper demographic and moral crisis in the West. 

What can be better evidence for the moral crisis of human society (in the West) than the loss of its reproductive function? 

And today nearly all developed western countries cannot survive reproductively, not even with the help of migrants. 

Without the moral values that are rooted in Christianity and other world religions, without rules and moral values which have formed and been developed over millennia, people will inevitably lose their human dignity (and become brutes).

And we think it is right and natural to defend these moral and Christian values. 

One has to respect the right of every minority to self-determination, but at the same time, there cannot and must not be any doubt about the rights of the majority. 

At the same time as this process at a national level (in the West) we observe on an international level the attempts to create a unipolar, unified model of the world, to relativize and remove institutions of international right and national sovereignty  (Putin speaks about the U.S. Imperium).

In such a unipolar, unified world there is no place for sovereign states.  Such a world needs merely vassals. 

From a historical perspective, such a unipolar world (of the U.S.) would mean the surrender of one’s own identity of God-created diversity.