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Thursday, January 19, 2023

The evidence will demonstrate that SARS-CoV-2 meets the definition of a BioWeapon and the development of this BioWeapon is a violation of U.S. Criminal Law

If you possibly can, watch this video.  It is of Dr. Richard Fleming, the one scientist who is taking the fight against COVID criminals to the criminal courts.  He is accompanied by two guests from India who are part of his team that is amassing evidence, getting affidavits and filtering out friend from foe, the latter of which are prominent names trying to sabotage his case.  But he is persevering.  As are his allies.  

When I first found Dr. Fleming, I was stunned by his clarity of expression and the clarity of his logic.  On these counts, he is relentless.  Here is what he is doing: 

First, addressing the Criminal alteration of naturally occurring viral pathogens to make a chimeric virus (SARS-CoV-2) capable of infecting humans. Once infected these viruses are then able to transmit by respiratory and gastrointestinal pathways. Left untreated, as the evidence will demonstrate, these viruses can kill people (COVID-19) by producing Inflammation and Blood Clotting (InflammoThrombotic Response; ITR). This untreated ITR is responsible for the death of more than 556,000 Americans with more than 30 million infected. 

The evidence will demonstrate that SARS-CoV-2 meets the definition of a BioWeapon and the development of this BioWeapon is a violation of U.S. Criminal Law responsible for the deaths of these Americans; as well as violations of the Biological Weapons Convention, The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the American Medical Association Code of Medical Ethics, and the 1947 Nuremberg Code. The evidence will show that the above-named defendants are responsible for the funding and development of this BioWeapon, they have interfered with the treatment of individuals infected with this BioWeapon, they have promulgated the use of experimental drug vaccines that (a) exacerbate the ITR in individuals otherwise not adversely affected by the virus itself, and (b) use a drug technology that has repeatedly failed to successfully treat disease but has successfully been used to introduce altered genetic material into the human nucleus of cells. The evidence will show that this interference of t 

Then check out his list of facts surrounding the whole COVID and vaccine disaster.  His book is titled, Is COVID-19 a Bioweapon: A Scientific and Forensics Investigation, Dr. Richard Fleming, 2021.