Showing posts with label The Desperate Dan Appreciation Society (@gridrebellion). Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Desperate Dan Appreciation Society (@gridrebellion). Show all posts

Sunday, July 31, 2022

"If he was made of the stuff that Putin was made of, who when he took power put his family in isolation then went after the oligarchs."

I think [Davos is] the ones that released it and then blamed the Chinese Wuhan laboratory for it because Fauci and Birx all work for them.  

I did not know that Putin put his family in hiding before he went after the oligarchs in Russia.   

Which one of the booms was it going to be, 2008, 2012?  We've all been wrong.  As you build that mental map, you also have to go back to history to fill in the gaps.  

[4:40]  When you come into COVID, the big issue was very simply Davos.  They were apoplectic about Brexit and the election of Donald Trump because it was the first time that they were derailed from their plan Agenda 2050 which has now been accelerated to Agenda 2030.  Davos spans both sides of the Atlantic.  You have elites in the United States in the banking sector and all the elites, all the giants, . . .  Back then everybody was on the same page.  Here's the thing: when people start to lose, nothing cures problems in the room like winning.  What happens when you start losing?  That's when the problems start to appear.  Davos had a winning streak all the way up until Brexit and the election of Trump, all the way up until Putin took Crimea in 2014 . . . from the post-WWII architecture all the way up until then.  Everything had kind of mostly gone to plan.  And then we get into 2012 when David Cameron loses a vote in Parliament, saying, "No, you're not going to go along with Barack Obama to invade Syria."  That's what started the process of bringing Cameron down.  That's the first thing that happened.  After that, it opened the way for Putin to settle the conflict that Obama had picked over the chemical weapons attack in Syria, brokering that deal, which then led to the United States overthrowing Viktor Yanukovych of Ukraine in 2014, which led to the Russians unifying with Crimea.  I refuse to use the word "annex," because that's not what happened.  Putin then turns around and stabilizes Syria by moving in militarily in 2015 after the JPCOA is signed.  Now that sets the stage for everything, and all of a sudden the losing streak . . . Putin is the architect of a lot of little losses to Davos' plans.  It starts to give a lot of people some ideas.  I noted immediately the changes in Central Asia and Middle Eastern politics.  Because it was very obvious that the big, bad globalist oligarchy used the United States military to run around the world, like Godzilla, stamping out any opposition to their rule.  The Brits would happily, through MI6 and the British Foreign Service, would happily set the stage with intelligence on the ground and operations on the ground and in the media, the BBC being a big mouthpiece for this.  But they could tell the lies about how the world worked up until Putin went into Syria and blew up the whole myth of ISIS in 3 weeks.  Once that happened, you can start to see the shifts in geopolitics.  You can start to see Erdogan getting cold feet about wanting to take over his Neo-Ottoman dreams.  You could see things shifting in Saudi Arabia and Israeli politics.  You could see Iran being more aggressive.  You could see problems in India and Pakistan.  You could see it happening everywhere.  [9:13]  We tried spinning a conflict between Azerbaijan and _______ and it goes nowhere.  All of a sudden, all of these little moments become really, really important because in the past they weren't because we always won.  Now we start losing those battles, so when we get to the big battles like Brexit and the election of Donald Trump all of a sudden the losing streak is now sincere and the agenda has to be accelerated.  Now things have to change.  Now the timeline has to change, now markers have to be called in, now . . . this is what brings us to COVID.  Trump had to be removed from office by hook, crook, or theft.  He had to be removed from office, and the United States had to be accelerated toward liquidation.   events.  For one, Trump stopped everything cold and started to reverse very important things.  They knew that they would run out of time because they own all of these "Olds" in British Parliament, the American Congress, the Italian Congress, the Italian political system, and the German political system, everything was shaping up with all these old boomers, and all of these old "silent generation" types, who've been in power forever--they're not going to make to 86-years-old in power.  They didn't have the next generation groomed, and they had to move everything forward to the next generation.  

[11:00]  They had to get rid of Trump for a number of reasons.  One, Trump finally understood what the game was.  he always knew what the problem was; he didn't know the depth of their depravity and their corruption, and it overwhelmed him.  And he wasn't the right person to take on that job.  If he had been a stronger character made of sterner stuff, he would have.  If he was made of the stuff that Putin was made of, who when he took power put his family in isolation and then went after the oligarchs.  No, Trump puts his family in the White House.  That's the difference between the two men.  Trump had to be gotten rid of because 4 more years of Trump would have derailed everything.  By that time, he had figured out what the problem was he had no NeoCons to fill his cabinet with, he would have swept the board with his own people in Congress and then they would have remade the United States politically.  The bureaucracy would have been neutered.  The EPA would have been gutted.  The Dept of Education would have been gutted.  The Dept. of Energy would have been torn down and would have been exposed as an off-budget of the DOD.  I mean all of this stuff would have started to fall apart.  Trump was setting up for his 2nd term like a Reaganeque 1st term.  So they had to get rid of him, and they had to manufacture a Democrat majority in Congress, and there's only one way to do this: they threw a virus at us.  They created a pandemic, and then they blamed everything that went wrong and our handling of it by packing the stats and pushing the narrative the way they did to bifurcate the country and to make sure that the split between Left and Right was irrevocable, and then blame Trump for everything.  And then manufacture the consent that the wasn't a popular president which was nonsense.  And then he just went in and manufactured $12 million friggin' votes?

[13:26]  In terms of the virus, your take is that it was a bioweapon?

[13:32]  Oh, it was absolutely a bioweapon.  I wasn't convinced of this early on, but I am now.  and I firmly believe that Davos has been trying to blame the Chinese for it.  I think they're the ones that released it and then blamed the Chinese Wuhan laboratory for it because Fauci and Birx all work for them.  Because when you map it out, what do you want to do?  If you lose the Democrats after they've tried to destroy the United States for two years, which is the natural political fallout, right?  You try to destroy the U.S., take away our food, make energy too expensive, raise our taxes, and send us even further into debtors prison, which was their plan but mostly derailed.  The Democrats are going to be out of office by the Midterms, and the GOP is going to take over.  Now you get behind a GOP who's blaming China for killing a couple hundred thousand Americans in the pandemic, which was the narrative they've desperately tried to create.  

[15:15]  This just gives you an idea of the level of ruthlessness of these people.  But if the inevitable goal was a narrative that said, "Fuck China," would that also make Trump's economic advisor, Peter Navarro, who wrote books blaming China for the U.S,'s economic woes, a Davos servant?  I could see this coming when they pivoted off of the lab-leak theory back in May 2021.