Showing posts with label Testosterone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Testosterone. Show all posts

Thursday, April 18, 2024

2024 research: PHTHALATES found in 99% of food. Phthalates tank testosterone, screw up thyroid hormones, cause obesity, diabetes, & more.

Thursday, March 28, 2024

The fragrance in dryer sheets tanks your testosterone and disrupts other hormones

Sun-drying, or line-drying, is the best way to dry your clothes.  Vitamin D from the sun disinfects your clothes better than any man-made detergent or dryer sheet can.   

You're polluting your indoor air w/phthalates (found in the "fragrance"), which tank your testosterone. 😱

You're also enjoying some cancer-causing VOCs, including benzene. [VOCs are Volatile Organic Compounds]

The chemicals are designed to cling to your clothes & taken in through the skin too...😀

I never liked the feel of Bounce or any of the other dryer sheets, like Snuggle, Downey, and others.


Saturday, August 27, 2022


If you are deficient in zinc, you could potentially develop something called hypogonadism.  Your gonads actually shrink because you don't have enough zinc.  Testosterone is made by the gonads.  Some say that we shouldn't be consuming shellfish because of the microplastics.  One point on that is that if you eat Pacific Oysters, you'll have the lowest amount of microplastics.  But so is the lack of nutrition in our diet.  And the lack of nutrient-dense food, so we kind of have to balance things out.  Remember, there are no solutions, only trade-offs.  But oysters are literally at the top of the list of nutrient-dense foods.  And when you're trying to build up testosterone, it's not just about increasing that one hormone, it's about supporting the entire endocrine system, all the hormones in the right balance, so this could help you on many different levels.  Oysters are loaded with zinc and copper in the right ratios, tons of B12, iron, vitamin D, B6, omega 3 fatty acids, and choline.  [Sounds like oysters would be a better option than sardines maybe.]  There are other things, too, that can negate or nullify your results.  For example, if you're on a statin drug that blocks cholesterol, which is needed to make cholesterol, that can nullify any foods that you eat or supplements that you take to boost your testosterone.  


Soy decreases testosterone. 

Grains, or the phytic acid in them, decreases testosterone.  Phytic acid blocks zinc.  

Low Hydrochloric Acid.  HCL is necessary to absorb trace minerals, especially zinc.  How do you know if you have low HCL?  Well, . . . heartburn, Gerd, indigestion, acid reflux, all are indications of low HCL. 

Sugar: too much sugar, too many refined carbohydrates will kill testosterone. 


Lack of sleep is a really big one.  And the more fat you have in your body, the more estrogen that you'll make and the less testosterone that you'll make.  In fact, your body will start converting testosterone into estrogen.

Iron.  Too much iron can really damage the liver and leave you with very low testosterone levels.  Even though oysters are high in iron, 


HARDCORE EXERCISE with a lot of SLEEP.  The hormone pathways of testosterone follow the hormone pathways of growth hormones.  If one is higher, the other is higher.  Consuming enough fatty foods: this is why eggs are good, this is why red meats are good.  Butter, too, is good because it's made of cholesterol.