Showing posts with label Selenomethionine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Selenomethionine. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Selenium for Hypothyroidism and to Detox Mercury

Selenium for Mercury detoxification.  It's most concentrated in the thyroid gland.  It will decrease certain antibodies.  At the 12:15 mark, Sardi explains that the organic forms of Selenium in the form of Selenomethionine, stops cancer over Selenite found in cheap multivitamins.  

Sardi explains that "eyes and the skin age faster than the rest of the body because of exposure to sunlight.  Arteries stiffen and plaque builds up in the brain, there's a relationship between these twos.  When arteries are stiff, you're going to have high-blood pressure."