Showing posts with label Pfizer document stay away from vaxxed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pfizer document stay away from vaxxed. Show all posts

Monday, September 20, 2021

The tide is turning even if it may not seem like it . . .

15:35 to 16:10  It's so dangerous to your immune system, it wrecks it.  It’s the vaccinated who are breeding these variants because the vaccine doesn’t attack the virus.  And it probably teaches the virus to attack the antibodies and turn them into virus replication factories.  That’s called ADE.  

Not considered vaccinated until the second dose.  The famous folks he lists at the beginning who died from the shots do not qualify as a COVID death because they didn't have their second COVID shot.  

22:00  What they're doing is in violation of the Nuremberg Code.  They're literally engaging in a war crime.  They are literally forcing people to engage in medical experimentation and using their job as coercion.  These are war crimes playing out in front of us, and these fucking morons are clapping when a mom gets escorted off a plane because her two-year-old is having an asthma attack and she took the mask off.  Clap, you fucking sheep!  They'll come for you later.  Don't worry.  Of course, the vaccine is going to take care of a lot of you.  That's the reality.  

23:40  Pull your head out of your fucking ass, fucking Seattle Children's.  [I guess calling themselves "Seattle's Children" is a little too obvious of what the services are really about.  Here he cites a Times of Israel article, titled, "STUDY: COVID Recovery Gave Israelies Longer-Lasting Delta Defense Than Vaccines," Nathan Jeffay, September 2, 2021.  The vaccinated are a danger to everybody because they are spreading these variants, they are breeding these variants because they are getting sick and winding up in the hospital.  And you can lie to our faces, piss on us and tell us it's raining, but we don't fucking believe you anymore and this movement, this understanding has reached critical mass and there's no putting this genie back in the bottle. 

24:30  As they pushing to inject people with something that's going to make most of them sick.  Think about that.  Who the fuck are these people? What an epic, complete fucking failure of the medical system.  They have destroyed the trust that has taken over a century to build. . .

26:30  Reading from the Seattle Children's Religious Exemption form, he says, "Please explain why the COVID vaccines are objectionable based on your religious beliefs . . . while at least some others are not.  Please attach additional pages if needed to provide a full response.  

"Well, as a Quaker, I believe in personal responsibility.  And the fact that the hospitals are taking no responsibility; the fact that the doctors are taking no responsibility; the fact that the manufacturers are taking no fucking responsibility; the fact that the government is taking no fucking responsibility, but me taking this shot is me exercising responsibility in doing my part to be responsible?  Fuck you people!" 

28:00  Find a group.  Help each other out.  They're not going to save us.  We have to save ourselves.  We have to understand that.  [He cites John O'Looney who was a SAIF member of the Funeral Directors' Association.  And?] 

After watching this video this morning Tuesday, October 5, 2021, for 30 minutes, it shut down and was no longer available.  Unbelievable. 

From Pfizer's own documents--stay away from the vaxxed

From GreenEggsnHam.