Showing posts with label Oliver Anthony. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oliver Anthony. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 22, 2023


Owen Benjamin calls this song and its explosion online a psyop.  He calls it the music for slaves.  Mass media shootout to try and hold the attention of the working class of America.  

When they say that diversity is our strength, they're basically inviting you to an open marriage of your nation.  It breaks the wage of the men, and it breaks the spirit of the nation, and you can say that it's more effective, it's more efficient, you make more money, but you lose everything, okay?  Yeah, it is more efficient.  The most efficient system you could make right now is to make everyone a drug-addicted homosexual without a family that is willing to go anywhere in the world, wherever you want to put labor, just move them all over like interchangeable cogs.  Wherever the factory goes, just go there, and turn the natural world into garbage and sell it to the big mouth in Babylon and then collect the squares and then you lose everything.  But you don't see that.  That's why the midwits usually make the most money because they're smart enough to figure out how this works and they say, "Well, I can maximize efficiency and blah, blah, blah.

Very high IQ and very low IQ are often times very nationalistic, because we're like, "What's the point of life?"  What's the point of life if you don't have a family, a nation, or anything?  You turn natural resources into nonsense garbage, and you sell it, flat screen, beanie babies, blah, blah, blah, and you take people . . . okay, Vox Day showed that free trade is also the free trade of labor.  So if you have free trade, "Oh, freedom, freedom, freedom . . . ," free trade means you also have free trade of labor, and if you don't understand that, let me explain.  That means you create labor economies where you create a race to the bottom.

Sunday, August 20, 2023

"His complaint with the rich men north of Richmond is not that they are rich; it's that they want to control absolutely everything; they want to run everything; they think they are Lords of the Earth"

Douglas James Wilson is a conservative Reformed and  evangelical theologianpastor at Christ Church in  Moscow, Idaho, a faculty member at New Saint Andrews College, and author and speaker. Wilson is known for his writing on classical Christian educationReformed theology, as well as general cultural commentary.  He keeps a blog called, Blog and Mablog.

National Review.  

His complaint with the rich men north of Richmond is not that they are rich they want to control absolutely it's that they want to control absolutely everything they want to run everything they think they are Lords of the Earth the issue is not their wealth the issue is what they want to do with it they just think they're the issue is that they just think that they are all that.

Oliver Anthony's appeal to Psalm 37:12-20.  
The wicked plot against the righteous and nash their teeth at them.  But the Lord laughs at the wicked, for he knows their day is coming.  The wicked draw the sword and then the bow to bring down the poor and needy to slay those whose ways are upright but their swords will pierce their own hearts and their bows will be broken.  Better the little that have righteousness than the wealth of many.  Wicked for the power of the wicked will be broken but the Lord upholds the righteous that a blameless spend their days under the Lord's care and their inheritance will endure forever.  In times of disaster, they will not wither; in days of famine, they will have plenty, but the wicked will perish.  Though the Lord's enemies are like the flowers of the field, they will be consumed and they will go up and smoke. 

Notice in the psalm that he chose, the issue is not the conflict between the wealthy and the poor; the issue is conflict between the wicked and the poor and needy.  The issue is the violence the coercion the manipulation, the wickedness in high places.  That's what James is talking about when he says, "the wages you withheld from your laborers crying out against you the Lord is at the door.  God will judge the insolence who walk all over the poor.  And to those fastidious Christians who kind of liked Oliver Anthony central point but believe that he wrecked it by saying bullshit, oh, good grief. 

The issue is insolence by those whose eyes are fat like grease.