Showing posts with label Nunn-Lugar Act 1991. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nunn-Lugar Act 1991. Show all posts

Sunday, October 1, 2023

one day I just realized I've been paying taxes all my life, so my country, not India or China or Pakistan or Iraq, my country has been paying bioweaponeers to make poisons to kill my children.

10:00  When the Soviet Union was falling apart in 1991, they were collapsing, we passed the Nunn-Luger ACT it was under the guise of the Defense Threat Reduction Act and the idea was that all these socialist republics, like Ukraine, Georgia, Kazakhstan, and others, these various republics from the old Soviet Union were in financial trouble.  The ostensible reason for the Nunn-Lugar Act of 1991 was that these places have stockpiles of atomic biological, and chemical weapons and we wouldn't want them to fall into bad hands.  Sounded reasonable at the time.  So our government was paying $400 million dollars a year for 4 years to buy up essentially what the Mexican . . . you know, you don't own the land but you can control the building . . . we took control of all those old labs of the Soviet Union, I think pretty much a lot of them, I don't know if it's all of them to be honest, but these are like the Biel Pepparat Labs, people from Vector, that whole thing.  And we were tasked, the guys that we hired some are still at Harvard today we hire these guys to go over and to run these labs bring them up to current standards do the vaccine research for the idea of production research and to do gain of function research and this wasn't hidden at the time.  The lab at Tbilisi, Georgia is called the Luger Lab, named for Senator Luger.  So anybody saying "Oh . . . !" you know, it's like the Queen being surprised about the pedophile BBC star that was her son's best friend.  "I didn't know about those Ukrainian Labs," well, yes, of course you did.  You guys in Congress you were funding them all these years you were giving them w-2 forms, W-4 forms to the bioweaponeers.  You have to put everything into that perspective.  Sadly, we have to get out of the idea, in my opinion, that the world is very clear-cut good and evil based on nation states.  You know, Australia good, Russia bad; China bad, India good.  And we have all these different kind of narratives about Canada and Britain and the Five Eyes.  It's not true.  What we have to start realizing, and it's not hard for people like me who literally got a ribbon for winning the Cold War when I was on active duty back then . . . .  Now you realize that everybody has a deep State: the Chinese have theirs, we have ours.  It's a global cabal.  I'm talking at Red Pill in August . . .  "It's Time to Name the Enemy," that's her talk.  It is time because we're in a war, and it's a war for our very survival.  I didn't understand that would be coming in my lifetime but now I have children, and one day I just realized I've been paying taxes all my life, so my country, not India or China or Pakistan or Iraq, my country has been paying bioweaponeers to make poisons to kill my children.  And they're implementing it and that's when you wake up and you get into a fight that's what I did.

13:10. There's a disconnect with a lot of people who don't  understand.  The bioweapons labs in the Ukraine and the old soviet republics are under the control of our cabal.  Last I heard there were 48 labs; I mean there's like dozens right.  Blood lines are cabals.

14:30. You said I changed my thinking on bio weapons.  What does that mean? 

14:35.  When you say Ukraine I just have to add this: my husband thinks I'm completely gone Looney Tunes, because I spend about 2 hours a night reading the Russian war in Ukraine on the different Russian networks and some Ukrainian networks.  The bottom line is not just that we own those labs; we essentially own the country.  The Ukrainians are victims of this cabal.  The Chinese are victims of this cabal.  It's not unrelated and I'll tell you one thing that holds it all together.  And then I'll bring it all together to the bio-weapons labs.