Showing posts with label Nick Wehner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nick Wehner. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Keto diet fixes broken kidneys!!

From the journal, Cell Reports Medicine

Additionally, the keto diet (KD) is associated with reduced kidney volume (not reaching statistical significance).  Interestingly, the Keto Diet group exhibits improved kidney function at the end of the treatment while the control and WF (Water Fasting) groups show a progressive decline as is typical in ADPKD.  Safety-relevant events are largely mild expected initial fluid-like symptoms associated with Katie and transient safety assessment is complemental by nuclear magnetic resonance lipid profile analyses.

Nick Wehner adds, 

And they used to say that too much meat is hard on the kidneys.  Sugar said, "… It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me."

The Carnivore Curmudgeon gave an interesting testimony, 

I had to see a Nephrologist because I had 2 bad markers in a row. Couldn't get in for almost 3 months. Went Carnivore, and had clean markers. Doctor's advice: Watch this video about becoming vegetarian (I did not tell him I was a carnivore) and give up meat cuz it's bad for kidneys.