Showing posts with label Military Commissions Act. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Military Commissions Act. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Our world changed on 9/11: 2,744 lives lost in NY; 1 million+ lives lost in Afghanistan and Iraq; $4.5 trillion War on Terror cost to U.S. taxpayer

Our world changed that day . . . 

2,744 lives lost in New York . . . and counting

1 million lives lost in Afghanistan and Iraq . . . and counting

6,000 U.S. troops lost in the War on Terror . . . and counting

$4.5 trillion War on Terror cost to U.S. taxpayer

Precious civil liberties removed by the PATRIOT Act . . .

Military Commissions Act

Department of Homeland Security

Transportation Security Administration (TSA)

National Defense Authorization Act, NDAA 2012.  

Today, Americans can be subject to search and seizure without a warrant, detained or imprisoned indefinitely . . . 

without charge . . .

without evidence . . .

without a lawyer . . . 

without a trial . . . 

or even tortured

or assassinated

merely for being accused of being associated with terrorism

Ignoring the World Trade Center evidence is no longer an option