Showing posts with label Massachusetts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Massachusetts. Show all posts

Saturday, March 23, 2024

BEAUDOIN: In Massachusetts alone, 600 [big pharma] companies and $47 billion in venture capital financing. In New York, you have Wall Street, Blackrock, and so forth, and the executives live in Northern New Jersey.

it's important that a virus that purportedly started halfway around the world in China and the 3 worst places in the world were New York, New Jersey, and Massachusetts, the three places with the most to gain from selling vaccines.  --John Beaudoin

There are over 600 companies in the pharma ecosystem, including pharmaceutical companies, and all the companies that feed into it.  In Massachusetts alone, 600 companies and $47 billion in venture capital financing.  There are 50 companies in Massachusetts in the pharmaceutical industry with over $100 million in revenue.  There are 10 companies in Massachusetts with over a billion dollars a year in revenue.  

Moderna's headquarters, R&D is in Massachusetts. 

Pfizer's divisional headquarters for the mRNA vaccine is in Massachusetts.  

The CDC Director, Rochelle Wallensky was from Massachusetts.

My Congressman, so we have the House and the Senate, the guy that's in my district that's in the House of Representatives of the United States is Jake Auchincloss.  His father is Hugh Auchincloss.  Hugh Auchincloss was Fauci's, everybody knows Tony Fauci, Anthony Fauci's name, his #2 guy for decades was Hugh Auchincloss.  everything has to do with Massachusetts.  

Wikipedia states that, 

In January 2023, Auchincloss succeeded Anthony Fauci as the acting NIAID director.

How's that for #2 man? 

And then in New York, you have Wall Street, Blackrock, and so forth, and the executives live in Northern New Jersey.  

And so the three states, or the three sovereigns in the world with the most to gain were New York, New Jersey, and Massachusetts.  

And I tracked every month, on the 27th of every month in 2020 and then in 2021 up to about July.  How many people did the states and every nation in the world, as long as they had a 3 million population.  I didn't look below 3 million, wasn't even worth it, right, because small states have aberrations of death and you can have a spike.  So I looked at populations of 3 million or more.  Every nation in the world and every state in the United States and I ranked them.  After the first wave on July 27, 2020, New York, New Jersey, and Massachusetts, with Belgium at a distant fourth.  Massachusetts was 50% more than Belgium.  That's how much New York, New Jersey, and Massachusetts were running away from the world in purported COVID-19 deaths.  We blew the world away.  So whenever somebody in New Zealand or Australia or Botswana was looking at the United States and thinking, "Oh, wow, there's a lot of COVID-19 deaths in the United States, look what's happening there, we should be scared," they were really looking at New York, New Jersey, and Massachusetts.  

And it turns out that there's a lot of fraud.  

I can get into that in a little bit, but it's important that a virus that purportedly started halfway around the world in China and the 3 worst places in the world were New York, New Jersey, and Massachusetts were the three places with the most to gain from selling vaccines . . . by far.  You can't get around that.  Those are facts.  

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Immigrants in Massachusetts are eating better than most Americans

Monday, January 17, 2022


Thank you to G. Edward Griffin.