Showing posts with label Mask terro. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mask terro. Show all posts

Friday, July 24, 2020

"The reason for [the compulsory masks] is they need visible evidence of terror"

Thanks to Bill Sardi for the link to this tweet

The speaker's name is John Waters, an Irish columnist.  His insights are compelling but can they persuade individuals to recapture their souls from this government takeover? 

At the very height of this alleged pandemic back in April there was no talk of compulsory masks.  In all of May, when figures were dying away to nothing, there was no talk of compulsory masks.  In June, when there were no cases virtually at all, there was no talk of compulsory masks.  Now, when it has all but disappeared . . . it’s gone . . . it’s gone, they’re now bringing in compulsory masks.  And the reason for that is they need visible evidence of terror.  They need visibility of terror that they want to inculcate in the people, and that’s why this is so important to them.  These are really sinister people that we’re dealing with now.  These are people that we’ve previously talked about who are our own kind.  What we have to start thinking of them now as alien beings, as hostile beings to the Irish people.  They are the enemies of the Irish people.  Because clearly, their intent is to the mask is a way of denying the very human face of the person.  It’s a way of taking away the very unique humanity of each person and turning yourself into zombies and restoring us into a kind of animal state.  So that we no longer look at each other coming down the street as Tom or Mick or Mary, my sister, my friend, my brother, but instead as a festering mess of bacteria and viruses which is a danger to my health, Ooh!  Ooh! You know, I have to get out of the way.  This is what they’re turning persons into.  I’m not saying that our people are responsible for thinking this up . . . they don’t have the brains for that or anything.  But this is what they’re implementing.  This is the thinking behind it—to destroy the spirit of the human person, the individuality, the personality, the conscience, the character of the human person.  That is what this project is about.