Showing posts with label Maricopa County. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Maricopa County. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

"the voting is cleaner in Venezuela than it is [in the United States]"

I am posting this discussion from the Ron Paul Liberty Report, originally aired on November 9, 2022, to feature the section from 15:10 to 17:10 where Daniel McAdams talks about the screaming incompetence at the polls in Maricopa County, Arizona, the fourth largest county in the United States. Remember, the larger the government jurisdiction, the greater the corruption and more than likely the higher the taxes.  

Yes, there are many races we do not know the conclusions to.  Now people have been conditioned to expect "counting the votes takes time."  No, it doesn't.  And it never has in the past.  We've only had this . . . remember when we had this anomaly in 2000, the national election was . . . the nation was turned upside because we didn't know the result right away.  So just the very fact that we are still counting, we don't know who won, tells you the dire state of voting in America right now.  In fact, I think the voting is cleaner in Venezuela than it is here.  And I was watching with disgust yesterday in places like Arizona, Maricopa County, you see some blue collar workers showing up to vote, they get there and 20% of the voting machines [simply] didn't work.  Didn't they do a test-run?  So these citizens had to get back to work.  They couldn't afford to take the whole day and sit around waiting to vote.  Do we know that these are Republicans voters?  We don't know.  There's a good chance they were.  [Actually, we do know.  Most Republican voters vote in person.] Regardless of who they would have voted for, the idea that ON ELECTION DAY 20% OF THE VOTE-COUNTING MACHINES DIDN'T WORK.  Also, a lot of people posted pictures of their ballots on Twitter.  The ballots were printed in such a shoddy manner, I saw better ballots printed in Albania than I saw [in the photos from voters in Maricopa County].  In fact, they were so badly printed that the automatic reader couldn't read the result.  They had to spoil it and get a new ballot.  And we saw tons of problems in Pennsylvania and elsewhere.  So the fact is, Dr. Paul, that voting in the U.S. is atrocious, it's an absolute disgrace.  It's amazing that a so-called first-world country cannot hold a first-world type of election.  So regardless of the result, we've got a real problem here of how we conduct our elections.