Showing posts with label James Cintolo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label James Cintolo. Show all posts

Monday, January 23, 2023

I said, "Demand that they stop accepting $315 million from eugenics billionaire Bill Gates." And lo and behold . . .

If people are adrift or uncertain as to what they can do to get their frustrations out about the institutions who drove the vaccine program following the COVID hoax down our throats, then here's what I recommend. If you're going to protest, protest outside one of the media outlets. Even better if one of those outfits were a recipient of eugenicist Bill Gates' $315 million dollars. Demand, command, and insist that any media outlet stop lying about the vaccines and bring the vax program to a halt, restore people's lives, and give them restitution.

Saturday, January 14, 2023

And Parents Offered Their Babies Up for This? All I Can Think of Is Moloch

O, God.  From Christianity dot com.