Showing posts with label Holodomor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Holodomor. Show all posts

Friday, August 25, 2023

Nobody is doing anything to you. You choose. This is a fair [transactional] world

Nobody is doing anything to you.  You choose.  This is a fair [transactional] world.  All these Christians want to talk about how this song is uniting people with Christ and God.  No!  No!  There's no despair in actual spirituality.  You don't think that God is screwing you over.  Everything is fair.  --Owen Benjamin

The Holodomor and everything that always precedes it is victim consciousness.  The way the Holodomor happened was at the serfs or the indentured servants the citizens, the first thing to do was to create a genocide or a tyrannical overthrow is you convince people that their masters are hurting them.  You get the servant to kill their own master.  It's every single effing time, so when I listen to that song and hear what they're trying to do with it, the Liberals, the blacks, the right, "everything's so true," but when you listen to what he's actually saying "the dollar is broken, everybody sucks, the future sucks, the new world, you're being screwed, the politicians are all pedophiles, the government's broken, the taxes go to fat people, blah blah blah, what happens next?  Oliver Anthony is running a script.  It's not a real organic situation  He's saying that it's not just America but it's the whole globe that the workers of the world must Unite and overthrow our masters in the corrupt.  It's right out of Bane, right?  "The corrupt will be overthrown . . . ." 

Really stop take a breath and ask yourself what will come next?  

Feminists didn't do that in the 60s and 70s. 

What happens when you get all the jobs?  

"You too can be an airline pilot."  

"You can run a company yourself."  

"You can f*** as many people as you want because you're on the pill."  

What happens next?  You saw what happened next. 

You don't think a lot of these women would go back in time when they could be a housewife, and one man could take care of them with one salary, and they could be a mother?  You don't think they'd trade that back now?  Ask yourself before you jump into the Tim Pool Civil War mentality, what are you actually going to do after?  That usually is never talked about by the revolutionaries.  When I say [Oliver Anthony] has no solutions, people go "Oh, but he touches my heart, the emotions.". That's exactly the state they want you in before a revolution it's called pathos pathology a heightened emotional state without any solutions.  So imagine if he was singing a song about how hard the world was, but how beautiful it was too, and how much hope there is in the future.  Why don't they do that?  Because they want you to overthrow the Revolutionary spirit, the spirit of pathos, the Destroyer.  They want you to think America sucks, the government sucks, everyone sucks, everything's falling apart, everything Is broken; therefore, why not just destroy it all?  Why not overthrow your masters?  Before every single thing that you read about in the history books, it's the same exact script, "Enough is enough!"  Problem, reaction, solution.  And you do not go from nobody to number one in the Billboard charts and being talked about at the presidential debate in 2 weeks unless it's scripted.  It's not possible.  There are checks and balances.  Like, I'm not allowed on PayPal.  I'm not allowed on Airbnb.  It's absurd that I'm even allowed on Twitter.  All these things are gate kept.  Now really ask yourself, is everything really broken beyond all recognition or are you being tricked?  "The dollar ain't s***.  It's  time for crypto!"  Guys, I promise you, it's b*******.  If the serfs didn't kill their own masters in the Ukraine, millions of them would not have starved to death. That's a fact.  Nobody is doing anything to you.  You choose.  This is a fair [transactional] world.  All these Christians want to talk about how this song is uniting people with Christ and God.  No!  No!  There's no despair in actual spirituality.  You don't think that God is screwing you over.  Everything is fair.  So what are you going to do, what are you actually going to do?  It's all fair, and it's all a blessing.  Be grateful.  Build.  If you want to whine and get emotional to that song, that's your choice.  But it's going to end in ruin.  I promise you, it's not . . . it's not just the song.  It's a scripted part of the show.  Much love.

Friday, December 17, 2021

Who Are the Enemies Bankrolling the Vaccine Program that Could Decimate the US Population?

This excellent video that should clarify for you who the enemy is that we're dealing with today and who is pushing the vaccines on a predominantly Christian nation.  Miss this at your peril.  Find the time to watch it, let it sear on your mind so that you shall have a framework from which to know the past and understand the current enemy.  The Bolsheviks hated the Christians.  Many of today's orthodox and secular Jews have inherited contempt for Christians, for the American goy.  This is only Part I.  Make the effort and schedule some time to watch it and the in the series.  Remember that all of the Federal Reserve Chairmen since the 1980s have been Jewish: Paul Volker, Alan Greenspan, Ben Bernanke, and Janet Yellen.  Do you think George Soros, a Jew, has made plans to oversee the mass slaughter of Americans as he finances open immigration into this country?  

EUROPA: The Last Battle, Part 2, WWI, 2017.  There are a total of 10 parts in the series.   

This next video does an excellent job of illustrating how the Bolsheviks' heirs, the indirect action committee of the Frankfurt School with Adorno, et al, worked to portray all of white culture as pathological while portraying Jewish families as the most acceptable forms of group identity.  

29:44  Towards the end of 1922, the Communist International, the Comintern, began to consider how they would take over Europe in the most effective way.  At Lenin’s initial, a meeting was organized at the Marx/Engels Institute in Moscow.  The aim of the meeting was to start the Marxist Cultural Revolution.  Among those present at the meeting was Georg Lukacs, a Jewish Hungarian aristocrat and the son of a banker.  In the summer of 1924, Lukacs moved to Germany.  Here he held the first meeting of a group of communist-oriented intellectuals.  This gathering was to be the foundation of the Frankfurt School.  The institute had been officially founded and funded by Felix Jose Weil, called the Institute for Social Research.  Later it would be known as the Frankfurt School.  These new Marxists, under the direction of Max Horkheimer, believed that Europeans were too attached to tradition, race, nation, family, and faith to be able to accept communism.  Antonio Gramsci, while in prison, described that Marxism and communism could only fourish only after a long march through the cultural institutions [of the west].  Only then after they had corrupted all western values and made life impossible for us, could they impose the dictatorship of the proletariat.  This was also what the Fabian Socialists [the British socialist organization] did to weaken the countries that slowly implemented international communism.  The mantra would now be "Change and destroy western culture before communism would be accepted."  Georg Lukacs believed that for a new communist culture to emerge, the existing European culture had to be destroyed.  There is no other way to get control of a society with strong moral values than to weaken those values."  He said 


I saw the revolutionary destruction of society as the one and only solution to the cultural contradictions of the epoch . . . .  Such a worldwide overturning of values cannot take place without the annihilation of the old values and the creation of new ones by the revolutionaries.  –Georg Lukacs 


We must organize the intellectuals and use them TO MAKE WESTERN CIVILIZATION STINK.  Only then, after they have CORRUPTED ALL ITS VALUES AND MADE LIFE IMPOSSIBLE, can we impose the dictatorship of the proletariat.    --Willi Munzenberg 

In his 1915 book, The Spirit of 1914: Militarism, Myth, and MobilizationNahum Goldman, top-level international Zionist and President of the World Jewish Congress, describes the Zionist's method for destruction of western civilization, which is required for transition into a new world order.  

The historical mission of our world revolution is to rearrange a new culture of humanity to replace the previous social system. This conversion and reorganization of global society requires two essential steps: firstly, the destruction of the old established order; secondly, design and imposition of the new order.  The first stage requires elimination of all frontier borders, nationhood and culture, public policy, ethical barriers and social definitions, only then can the destroyed old system elements be replaced by the imposed system elements of our new world order.  
The first tasm of our world revolution is destruction.  All social strata and social formations created by traditional society must be annhilated, individual men and women must be uprooted from their ancestral environment, torn out of their native environments, no tradition of any type shall be permitted to remain as sacred, traditional social norms must only be viewed as a disease to be eradicated, the ruling dictum of the new order is; nothing is good so everything must be criticized and abolished, everything that was must be gone. 

Wanting to learn more about the role that Jews played in the 20th century and about Zionism to understand their conflict, I searched Lew Rockwell for some archived articles.