Showing posts with label FDA Commissioner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FDA Commissioner. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Thanks to this letter by Meryl Nass and RFK, Jr., FDA postponed its Pfizer authorization for children 5 and under 'til April.

I love it.

We are writing to put you on notice that should you recommend this pediatric EUA vaccine to children under five years old, CHD is poised to take legal action against you. CHD will seek to hold you accountable for recklessly endangering this population with a product that has little, no, or even negative net efficacy but which may put them, without warning, at risk of many adverse health consequences, including heart damage, stroke and other thrombotic events and reproductive harms.

They continue,

While the CDC is saying that myocarditis is a mild disease, cardiologists know otherwise. CDC’s own preliminary data, reported at the February 4 ACIP meeting, revealed that nearly half of the young people diagnosed with myocarditis still had symptoms 3 months later, and 39% had their activity restricted by their physician. 11 We know this serious adverse event occurs frequently in teenagers. But no one knows how often it occurs in younger children. This is of major concern for babies and younger children.

Monday, December 6, 2021

Alex Jones declares WAR on Donald Trump unless he comes out against the corona injection agenda!

The full segment, which can be had here, is the real creme de la creme by Alex Jones.  He is absolutely correct to call out former President Trump for pushing the vaccines on the American people.  The 1-minute clip above is merely Alex Jones flexing his theatrical muscles, which is necessary for this topic.  Good on you, Alex.  In fact, I wrote a couple months ago asking why Trump took a cool $1 million-dollar donation from Pfizer.  What do you think that pay-to-play money was for?  Influence  What kind of influence, influence on what?  Appointing key people to key positions; never voted in where the tax-payer might have a say.  Once inaugurated, the "America-First president," Donald Trump honored his deal with Pfizer and turned his back on the American people.  Read for yourself:

Then Trump made two grotesque appointments to his new administration—Scott Gottlieb as FDA commissioner, and Alex Azar as head of Health and Human ServicesBoth men had heavy pharmaceutical industry connections. Azar had served as chief of US Eli Lilly and had sat on the board of the pharma trade group, the Biotechnology Innovation OrganizationScott Gottlieb was a director at Tolero Pharmaceuticals [acquired by Sumitomo] and the giant drug companyDaiichi SankyoHe also worked for Glaxo; and now, in 2021, after his stint as FDA commissioner, Gottlieb sits on the board of Pfizer.