Showing posts with label FBI Christopher Wray. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FBI Christopher Wray. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Small US Businesses to be Forced to Serve as NSA Spies

The amendment even includes service providers who come into our homes, such as house cleaners, plumbers, and IT service providers [like The Geek Squad], all of whom could be forced to serve as surrogate spies and be required to give the NSA direct access and "none of them would be allowed to tell anyone.  They would be under a gag order and would face heavy penalties if they fail to comply."  --Elizabeth Goitein

FBI's Wray Tells House Appropriations Committee "It's crunch time to reauthorize FISA." April 11, 2024.  Wray argues, 

an absolutely indispensable tool that Congress can give us in our fight against foreign adversaries is the authorization of section 702 of the foreign intelligence surveillance Act it is critical it is critical and securing our nation we are in crunch time with our 702 Authority be set to expire next week so let me be clear failure to reauthorize 702 or getting it with some new kind of Warrant requirement would be dangerous and put americans' lives at risk.

Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act was enacted to make it easier for the government to address foreign terrorist threats.  Targeting Americans is prohibited.  But intelligence agencies have used Section 702 to spy on hundreds of thousands of Americans every year and this week it's looking to get a lot worse.  Elizabeth Goitein of the Liberty and National Security program at the Brennan Center for Justice does a great job of explaining it and sounding the alarm.  Buried in the Section 702 Reauthorization Bill passed by the House on Friday is the biggest expansion of domestic surveillance since the PATRIOT Act.  Under current law, 

The Government can compel electronic communications service providers that have direct access to communications to assist the NSA and conducting section 702 surveillance companies like Verizon and Google must turn over the communications of the targets which officially must be foreigners overseas,

but this has been abused to spy on Americans.  

By changing the definition of electronic communication surveillance provider an amendment offered by House Intel Committee leaders and passed by the House vastly expands the universe of entities that can be compelled to assist the NSA.  If the bill becomes law, any company or individual that provides any service whatsoever may be forced to assist in NSA surveillance as long as they have access to equipment on which communications are transmitted or stored 

"When the amendment was first unveiled, civil liberties advocates noted that the provision would encompass hotels [including Air BnB] [local tax-funded] libraries, and coffee shops [Starbucks]," and so they were excluded.

But the vast majority of U.S. businesses remain fair game, including barbershops, laundromats, fitness centers, hardware stores, and any small business that provides Wi-Fi to their customers via routers.  It also includes commercial landlords that rent out offices which would target journalists, lawyers, financial advisors, and anyone renting commercial office space.  The amendment even includes service providers who come into our homes, such as house cleaners, plumbers, and IT service providers [like The Geek Squad], all of whom could be forced to serve as surrogate spies and be required to give the NSA direct access and "none of them would be allowed to tell anyone.  They would be under a gag order and would face heavy penalties if they fail to comply."

Having wholesale access to domestic Communications the NSA would then be on the honor system to retain only the communications of approved foreign targets and we know from past experience that they cannot be trusted to do this.

The Senate is scheduled to vote on the bill this week section 702 expires on April 19th but the Biden Administration has obtained FISA Court approval to continue until April 2025.  Call your senators now and tell them to block the "Everyone is a spy" surveillance bill.

Phone this number today: 202-899-8938.