Showing posts with label Dr. Simone Gold. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dr. Simone Gold. Show all posts

Friday, June 17, 2022


How does this happen?  How is this not war on your 1st Amendment rights? 

Note that the article is penned by MSM, so be prepared for the usual character assassination of their favorite target: the truth.  

Like a weed rising through the cracks in the concrete, a portion of the truth found its way to light. 

"A concerted effort has been undertaken to 'cancel' physicians who do not follow the mainstream narrative."  

That's in reference to her opposition of vaccines as the ONLY remedy for a cold virus.  Imagine that, a doctor suggesting alternative treatments for an illness.  According to the regime stenographers, there's only one way to treat a cold virus and that is with a vaccine, for which the companies, public health officials, and doctors are somehow unable to identify accurately, affirm, or share with you its ingredients. They're probably more cautious when buying a can of tuna in the grocery stores than when it comes to forcing an injection of unknown substances into your spleen, heart, brain, and liver that your body will fight, a lifelong battle of degrading losses that by the time they render you debilitated, you've forgotten how you got here, without a single effective remedy.  But you'll never forget what brought you: the poison in a needle that you were forced to sit for.  Unfortunately, unless you've been following the emergence of the toxic effects of the vaccine and its deadly and toxic chimera spike proteins, you won't be able to deter the shortening of life.  Perhaps by the time you realize it, you'll simply be very accepting of death after years of being degraded by the lies of the state.